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高三我读历史,因为无可选择。高一和高二两年的物理和化学都被我荒废掉了,连高二期末的会考也差点过不了,因此这两门学科我是“可远观而不可亵玩焉”。更重要的是,我喜欢历史。当初我在考虑高三究竟选政治还是历史犹豫了很久,因为我们班的另外两个男生也会去政治班。后来经过抛硬币,深思考虑后觉得从小学起就看了这么多有关历史的书籍如果不用就浪费了,于是在历史这一栏里写下了自己龙飞凤舞的大名。历史班其实有些独立的味道,因为高一高二都只有10个班级,而历史班的门牌号是高三(11)班,并且在历史班的正下方还有一个历史班专用备份教室,这让我越发觉得校方对我们班是颇为重视的,尽管这门学科相对物理与化学是差了一些的。所以我们的班头说我们要鞠躬尽瘁提高历史的地位,死而后已。班头是个从数学 Seniors I read history because there is no choice. The physical and chemical aspects of the first two years of high school and high school were abandoned by me. Even the college entrance examinations at the end of the second year of high school are almost impossible to pass. Therefore, I am “a farsighted and unstoppable play” in these two disciplines. More importantly, I like history. I was hesitant to consider whether senior high school election politics or history, because the other two boys in our class will go to political classes. Later, after tossing the coin and thinking deeply about it, I felt that if I had read so many books related to history from elementary school, I would have wasted it if I didn’t use it. I wrote my name in the History column. The history class is actually somewhat independent, because there are only 10 classes for seniors and seniors, and the grade number for the history class is the senior year (11) class. There is also a dedicated backup class for the history class just below the historical class. This makes me More and more people feel that the school attaches great importance to our class, although this subject is relatively poor in terms of physics and chemistry. Therefore, our class said that we must make every effort to improve the status of history and die. The class head is from mathematics
青春短信“青春热线”就像有巨大的魔力,为我开通一条平坦的大道,让我由原来的沉默寡言变得活泼开朗,我不再孤独。广元市白龙中学姜治贤 The youthful message “Youth Hotl
在市教委教研室的指导下,第19届上海市中学生作文竞赛组委会于3月份作出新的决定:举行“上海十大校园写手”的评选活动。这是市级中学生作文赛事中的首创。从 70万中学生中脱