Detection and Attribution of Observed Changes in the Hydrological Cycle under Global Warming

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dr404070578
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The progress and advances of the detection and attribution of changes in the hydrological cycle in the IPCC Assessment Reports of WGⅠand WGⅡfrom 1990 to 2007 are reviewed.Accomplishment and endorsed by the joint Expert Meeting on Detection and Attribution in 2009,the Good Practice Guidance Paper(GPGP) for IPCC Lead Authors with its main content and characteristics are briefly introduced.Based on the review and the purpose of the GPGP,some characteristics on the detection and attribution of global warming and of changes in the hydrological cycle are presented. The progress and advances of the detection and attribution of changes in the hydrological cycle in the IPCC Assessment Reports of WG I and WG II from 1990 to 2007 are reviewed. Accomplishment and endorsed by the joint Expert Meeting on Detection and Attribution in 2009, the Good Practice Guidance Paper ( GPGP) for IPCC Lead Authors with its main content and characteristics are briefly introduced. Based on the review and the purpose of the GPGP, some characteristics on the detection and attribution of global warming and of changes in the hydrological cycle are presented.
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