
来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adu198612
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Due to the continuous water percolation and soaking during development of the oilfields, the dynamic balance of a reservoir is altered by the fluid; and the rock framework, pores and throats will be reformed and destroyed. The interaction between the fluid and the rock leads to a series of micro geological processes, such as clastation, denudation, dissolution and deposition, in the small spaces connected by pores or throats, which control the accumulation and distribution of the remaining oil. These micro geological processes are the essential factors for the evolution of the reservoirs during development. This evolution makes the recovery of the remaining oil more complex. Due to the continuous water percolation and soaking during development of the oilfields, the dynamic balance of a reservoir is altered by the fluid; and the rock framework, pores and throats will be reformed and destroyed. The interaction between the fluid and the rock leads to a series of micro geological processes, such as clastation, denudation, dissolution and deposition, in the small spaces connected by pores or throats, which control the accumulation and distribution of the remaining oil. These micro geological processes are the essential factors for the evolution of the reservoirs during development. This evolution makes the recovery of the remaining oil more complex.
当前国民经济运行出现了新变化 ,一是2002年末主要价格指数陆续止跌回升。主要表现在 :居民消费价格降幅逐步缩小 ;工业品出厂价格止跌回升 ;房地产交易价格涨幅较高 ;固定资产投
咱们孩子又拿金牌了,虽然只是U-19的 世青赛。八九点钟的太阳就放亮,流火的夏天就收获,可喜可贺。到2008年,咱们孩子25岁,金秋呵,那可是十二点钟的太阳,一准光芒四射,普照神
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