着眼变革需要 破解基层难题——山西省大同军分区民兵预备役基层建设形势分析会侧记

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军队的基础在士兵,民兵预备役的基础在基层。基层工作做不好,直接影响国防后备力量的快速动员和打赢能力。所以说,民兵预备役基层建设是个牵涉大局的问题。改革开放以来,民兵预备役基层实际情况发生了翻天覆地的变化,使基层建设遇到了许多新的挑战和矛盾。前些年,基层出现的问题,直到今天仍然较为突出地摆在那里,而且又发现了许多新的难题。为此,切实重视并加强基层建设,已成为省军区系统的共同呼声。去年初,山西省大同军分区党委通过深入调查摸实情,敞开思想说实话,积极创新拿实招,努力改进求实效,在基层建设上进行了认真的研究和探索,取得了一定的效果,对于全区人武系统抓好基层建设提供了宝贵经验,值得大家共同学习和探讨。 The foundation of the army is based at the grassroots level on the basis of soldiers and militia reservists. Grass-roots work well done, a direct impact on the national defense reserve forces rapid mobilization and ability to win. Therefore, the basic construction of militia reserves is a matter involving the overall situation. Since the reform and opening up, the actual situation of the grassroots units of the militia has undergone tremendous changes. This has brought many new challenges and contradictions to the grassroots construction. In previous years, the problems that appeared at the grassroots level were still outstandingly placed there and many new problems were discovered. To this end, earnestly paying attention to and strengthening grassroots construction has become the common call of the provincial military region system. At the beginning of last year, the party committee of Datong-Datong Military Region in Shanxi Province conducted some serious investigations and researches on grassroots construction through in-depth investigations and touching facts, opening its mind to tell the truth, taking active measures in innovation, striving for improvement and seeking truth from facts, and achieved certain results. The district people-and-military system has provided valuable experience in grassroots construction and deserves to be learned and discussed together.
今年是苏联航天员列昂诺夫进行人类的第一次太空行走30周年。我们特译载这篇描写当时一些惊险情节的文章,以飨读者。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first s
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人类仰首太空 ,向往翱翔的自由 ,于是向着一种“无限”挑战。在证明自身探索宇宙能力的同时 ,我们首先需要承担的是挫败…… Mankind went to space first, aspiring to fly