
来源 :美术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjw842008
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深秋,一场疾雨过后,又纷纷扬扬飘起鹅毛大雪,窗外面一片蒙蒙的清冷。街巷,一派凄凄的静寂。一个偶然的机会,看到了青年画家曹明的几幅油画,数量不多,风格也单纯,较为倾心用力的习作。然在当下画坛追风逐浪的阴霾久驱难散之时,能自特其才,苦撑孤舟,一往无前地去探索,其精神确实难能可贵,引发我颇多的思考。 曹明的作品,既有时代气息,又有传统美的痕迹,这传统痕迹不是包袱,恰恰表明了他的审美自信和对艺术基点的准确选择与定位。从实践中他成熟地感悟到艺术风格形成是逐渐的,时刻不能离开传统,离开基本功训练,对于基本的提高予以高度重视。所以他的作品既严谨又轻 Late autumn, after a storm, but also have floating up heavy snow goose feather, the window outside a dull cold. Street, a desolate silence. By chance, I saw a few paintings by young artist Cao Ming, with a small number, simple style and more intense hard work. However, at the moment when the haze of the pursuit of the wind and the waves by the painting scene has been extinct for a long time, it is capable of exploring its own uniqueness. Cao Ming’s works have not only the atmosphere of the times but also traces of the traditional beauty. This traditional trace is not a burden and precisely shows his aesthetic confidence and the accurate choice and positioning of the artistic base. In practice, he is maturely aware of the gradual formation of artistic style, can not leave the traditional moment, leave the basic training, attach great importance to the basic improvement. So his works are both rigorous and light
Beijing is festooned with giganticbillboards extolling the virtues ofluxurious accommodation andleaving no doubt that a prestigious address is a symbol ofwealth, power and status.
传统阅读法是通过大量的阅读教学实践总结出来的反映教学规律的带有明显个性特征的一系列方法的统称,它在高效课堂建设中仍然能显示出无穷的魅力。 The traditional reading