根据《混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50204-92)的有关规定,混凝土强度验收评定有以下几种方法:(1)当标准差已知统计法;(2)当标准差未知统计法(n≥10组时).(3)非统计法(n=2~9组时)。目前,我公司常用的评定方法为(2)法和(3)法。当验收批试件组数 n≥10时,利用(2)法评定,虽然每组试件强度均能满足设计要求,但由于试件制作、养护等问
According to the relevant provisions of “Code for Construction and Acceptance of Concrete Structures” (GB 50204-92), concrete strength acceptance assessment has the following methods: (1) When the standard deviation is known as statistical method; (2) When the standard deviation is unknown (n≥10 group) (3) Non-statistical method (n = 2 ~ 9 group). At present, our company commonly used assessment methods (2) and (3) Act. When the acceptance test batch number n ≥ 10, the use of (2) assessment, although the intensity of each specimen can meet the design requirements, but the specimen production, conservation and other questions