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自打孩子呱呱落地,做父母的便不断地等待着希望而唯独忘了自己。对此,河北张家口市干部学校的王亚莉提出疑虑——①等待希望,抑或等待判决? 记得读过这样一篇文章,说的是两位老妇人相邻而居,其中一位有子女,另一位没子女。有子女的老妇人常常盼着子女的到来,孩子们回来后,家里热闹了许多,孩子一走,又冷冷清清,孩子们不来时她就开始替他们担心。而另一位老太太,则每天都过着从容的生活。一天,前者的孩子又已经多日未来,老太太非常着急,当她看到后者时,便问道:“你一个人生活。不冷清,不寂寞吗?”回答是:“不,我一个人早已习惯了。我可以利用自己的时间做好多我喜欢做的事情,我没有时间冷清,也没有时间寂寞。” 我们现在的父母都像那位多子女的老太太一样,用身心去关心爱护她们的下一代,唯独忘了他们自己。而一旦孩子长大,做父母的有了属于自己的时间和空间时,却不知道自己要做什么、还能做些什么。生活的意义,对他们来说,并不是自己事业的成功、生活的充实,而是变成了等待孩子的成功、等待孩子的幸福。但在我看来,他们等待希望,不如说是等待对自己的判决,判决自己的成功抑或失败,判决自己用生命中最好的时光所等待的究竟是希望还是失望。然而,不论将来如何,做父母的还是要等待,等待那寥若晨星的希望。这真是我们这个时代的悲哀! Since the birth of a child, parents are constantly waiting for hope, leaving alone to forget about themselves. In response, Wang Yali, a cadre school in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, raised doubts - awaiting hopes or waiting for judgments. I remember reading an article saying that two elderly women were living next to each other, one of whom had children and the other One child without children. Older women with children often look forward to the arrival of their children. When the children come back, they are bustling at home. When the children go away, they are deserted and begin to worry about them when the children do not come. And another lady, live a calm life every day. One day, the former child has many days to come. The old lady is very anxious. When she sees the latter, she asks: “Are you alone? Do not be lonely, are you lonely?” The answer is: “No , I am used to being alone.I can use my time to do a lot of things I like to do, I do not have time to be deserted, I do not have time to be lonely. ”" Now our parents are like the old lady with many children Body and mind to care for their next generation of love, only to forget themselves. And once a child grows up and parents have their own time and space, they do not know what they are going to do or what they can do. The meaning of life, for them, is not the success of their own careers, life enrichment, but has become waiting for the child’s success, waiting for the child’s happiness. But in my opinion, they are waiting for hope, rather than waiting for their own judgments, judgments or succumbs to their own success or failure, judging themselves with the best of their life, what is the hope or disappointment. However, no matter what the future, parents still have to wait, waiting for the hope of the few Morningstar. This is really the sadness of our time!
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