Exchange Reaction Between Selenite and Hydroxyl Ion of Variable Charge Soil Surfaces: Ⅱ. Kinetics of

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A self-made constant pH automated titration instrument was used to study the kinetics of hydroxyl release during selenite reacting with variable charge soils. The rate of hydroxyl release was very rapid at the first several minutes, then gradually slowed down, and at last did not change any more. The experimental data was well fitted by the Langmuir kinetic equation, and with increasing selenite concentration or decreasing solution pH, the reaction lasted longer, the maximum of hydroxyl release (xm) increased, and the binding constant (k) decreased. The time of hydroxyl release with Xuwen latosol was much longer than that with Jinxian red soil. A self-made constant pH automated titration instrument was used to study the kinetics of hydroxyl release during selenite responding with variable charge soils. The rate of hydroxyl release was very rapid at the first several minutes, then gradually slowed down, and at last did not change any more. The experimental data was well fitted by the Langmuir kinetic equation, and with increasing selenite concentration or increasing solution pH, the reaction lasted longer, the maximum of hydroxyl release (xm) increased, and the binding constant (k) decreased. The time of hydroxyl release with Xuwen latosol was much longer than that with Jinxian red soil.
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