The production process of mulberry paper in Zhifang Village, Wangzhuang Town, Qufu City, Shandong Province, according to legend, began with the Song Dynasty and the Qing Emperor Qianlong years. The scale of papermaking has grown to more than 300 and many farmers’ families work during the slack season every day to make mulberry paper day and night. With the improvement of papermaking technology and paper quality, production and sales are increasingly prosperous, reaching the peak of the Guangxu period, and the paper-making household number is known as 1000. According to the statistics of the Republic of China for 23 years, there are more than 520 paper-making households in paper mill village with an annual output of 5 million knives and an output value of more than 200,000 yuan. According to reports, paper mulberry Village mulberry paper production process to cut through, peeling, drying,