
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxwlxy
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媒体竞争日趋激烈,为了提高竞争能力,广播的决策者们启用了一大批具有鲜活个性形象和独特魅力的年轻主持人,从而以高质量的节目、高水平的主持征服了听众,占领了市场,取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益。然而,人们也不难发现,由于主持人低龄化的现象日渐凸显,滥竽充数的不乏其人,一些本来火爆的节目、栏目成了过眼烟云,过量的水分倒了听众的味口,损害了电台的形象。难怪有人在窃窃私语:这些年青人嘴上无毛,办事不牢,要靠他们打天下,恐怕是竹篮打水了! Media competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and in order to enhance their competitiveness, broadcasters have enabled a large number of young moderators with vivid personalities and unique charisma to conquer audiences and dominate the market with high-quality programs and high-level hosting , Has made obvious social and economic benefits. However, it is not difficult for people to find out that due to the fact that the moderator’s younger age has become more and more prominent, there is no shortage of people who have played a significant role in popularizing their programs. Some of the programs that were already hot are overwhelming. The excess water poured down the taste of the audience and harmed the radio’s Image. No wonder someone is whispering: these young people have no hair on their mouths and their work is not strong. They rely on them to fight the world.
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