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十七大报告指出:“重大项目布局要充分考虑支持中西部发展,鼓励东部地区带动和帮助中西部地区发展。”国家批准实施的《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》再一次提到:“重大项目布局将充分考虑支持中西部发展。”这说明在国家整体战略布局中,重大项目建设在推动和统筹区域协调发展中肩负着重要责任;而属于西部后发展地区的广西,要想迎头追赶发达地区并实现跨越式发展,必须积极实践重大项目建设对广西经济社会发展的巨大推动作用。 The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “The layout of major projects should give full consideration to supporting the development of the central and western regions and encouraging the eastern region to promote and assist the development of the central and western regions.” “The Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Development Plan approved by the state once again refers to: ”The major project layout will give full consideration to supporting the development of the central and western regions." This shows that in the overall strategic layout of the country, major project construction has an important responsibility in promoting and coordinating regional coordinated development. Guangxi, which belongs to the post-western development region, If we want to catch up with developed areas and achieve leapfrog development, we must actively implement the great role of major projects in promoting Guangxi's economic and social development.
【正】 "The maximum residue limits of 12 categoriesof pesticides includingchlorothalonil in food" (GB25193-2010),worked out by the Ministry of Healthand the Min
文章介绍了新型3列5级无水润滑氧压机的设计依据及特点、主要设计参数、结构形式及流程。 This article introduces the design basis and characteristics of the new 3-co
历史上,人类的每项成就,都是自我突破的结果,而每次突破又是摆脱自我束缚,“破茧而出”的过程。 五座里程碑 15年前,斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格与乔治·卢卡斯,相继推出《第三类接