招远市企业医疗保险改革健康运行——大病社保 小病自保

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招远市自1994年5月实行医疗保险改革以来,社会医疗保险基金已为2341名患大病、重病职工支付医疗费1417万元,企业和职工参保率均达到100%;统筹基金到位率保持在96%以上。1994年5月,招远市政府结合本市实际,在国有、市以上集体所有制和“三资”企业中推行了“社会统筹医疗基金与职工个人医疗账户金、企业医疗凋剂金相结合”的企业职工医疗保险制度改革,具体办法是:企业按上年度在职职工工资总额与离退休费总额之和的10%提取医疗保险基金,其中30%用于缴纳社会统筹基金,50%为企业职工建立个人账户,20%作为企业医疗调剂金。在职职工患病的医疗费,先从个人账户中支付,个人账户用完的,再从企业调剂金和医疗统筹金支付。大病和一次性住院医疗费用超过2000元以上部分,可到市社会劳动保险机构按比例报销。为保证医疗保险改革正常运行,该市狠抓医疗保险管理。一是对定点医院实行合同化管理,对有职工医院的企业,由 Since Zhaoyuan City implemented the medical insurance reform in May 1994, the social medical insurance fund has paid medical expenses of 14.17 million yuan to 2341 seriously ill and seriously ill workers, and the insurance coverage rate of enterprises and workers has reached 100%. The overall fund placement rate is maintained Above 96%. May 1994, Zhaoyuan municipal government combined with the actual city, in the state-owned, municipal collective ownership and “three-funded” enterprises in the implementation of the “social pooling of medical funds and staff personal medical account gold, corporate medical agent gold Combination of ”the reform of the medical insurance system for enterprise employees, the specific measures are: the enterprise according to the previous year the total amount of wages and retirees from the sum of 10% of the medical insurance fund, of which 30% for the social pooling fund, 50 % Establish personal accounts for corporate employees and 20% for corporate medical transfers. In-service staff sick medical expenses, first from the personal account to pay, personal accounts run out, and then from the corporate swap and medical co-payment payments. Serious illness and one-time hospital medical expenses more than 2,000 yuan part of the city social labor insurance agencies may be reimbursed in proportion. In order to ensure the normal operation of medical insurance reform, the city pay close attention to medical insurance management. First, the implementation of the contract hospital fixed-point management, staff hospitals have enterprises
2007年5月14日,北辰实业股份有限公司(北辰实业,HK0588,601588)成立10周年。当日,有来自香港和内地知名投资机构的40余名分析师、研究员参与相关活动。除聆听了公 May 14, 2
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