Identification and Correction for MT Static Shift Using TEM Inversion Technique

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgh000000
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The inversion of TEM data, using the observed magnetic fields instead of that of apparent resistivities data in this paper, avoids the errors caused by the definition of the apparent resistivity. The inversed results by fitting the magnetic fields of the transmitter source’s image with the observed magnetic fields are relatively less affected by the conductivity inhomogeneity. The MT apparent curve is calculated on the basis of the conductivity model constructed from the TEM inversion results. This curve is used as a reference curve for the correction of MT static shift, which makes the correction more reliable. Meanwhile, the domain transformation is also achieved from time to frequency between the two kinds of electromagnetic data. Therefore, the correction of the MT static shift is actualized using TEM inversion method. The corresponding application research shows that this method is very effective for the identification and correction of the MT static shift. The inversion of TEM data, using the observed magnetic fields instead of that of apparent resistivities data in this paper, avoids the errors caused by the definition of the apparent resistivity. The inversed results by fitting the magnetic fields of the transmitter source’s image with the observed magnetic fields are relatively less affected by the conductivity inhomogeneity. The MT apparent curve is calculated on the basis of the conductivity model constructed from the TEM inversion results. This curve is used as a reference curve for the correction of MT static shift, which makes the Correction more reliable. Meanwhile, the domain transformation is also achieved from time to frequency between the two kinds of electromagnetic data. Meanwhile, the correction of the MT static shift is actualized using TEM inversion method. effective for the identification and correction of the MT static shift.
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