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1 引言随着网络技术的飞速发展,局域网系统在各行各业中发挥着越来越大的作用,同时局域网的安全问题日益受到人们的重视,而对网络系统安全运行起着至关重要作用的UPS系统也日益受到重视。如何选择适合自己局域网的UPS系统,在此提出几点建议供在为局域网建设选购UPS系统时参考。2 UPS系统的特性选择2.1 UPS系统有较宽的电压和频率输入性能。在供电电压(频率)超出UPS的输入范围时,UPS系统会自动转由电池供电。当供电电源波动较大时,输入电压(频率)范围较窄的UPS将频繁工作,大大降低电池的使用寿命。故应选择输入电压(频率)范围较宽的UPS设备。2.2 UPS系统输出稳定。UPS可以为服务器等对电源要求高的高端设备提供稳定的电源供应。但要注意检查UPS的输出电压波形失真,电压波形失真将有可能造成服务器数据出错、丢失等。2.3 具有频率/相位自动同步功能。频率/相位自动同步功能可保证UPS的输出与市电输入一定范围内在频率及相位方面的同步,避免UPS系统逆变供电与旁路供电的转换期间产生的环流对UPS逆变器 1 Introduction With the rapid development of network technology, the local area network system plays an increasingly important role in all walks of life. At the same time, the security of the local area network is paid more and more attention by people, and plays an important role in the safe operation of the network system UPS system is also increasingly valued. How to choose suitable for your own local area network UPS system, made a few suggestions for this reference in the construction of local area network to buy UPS system. 2 UPS System Features 2.1 UPS system has a wide range of voltage and frequency input performance. When the supply voltage (frequency) exceeds the input range of the UPS, the UPS system will be automatically transferred to the battery. When the power supply fluctuations, the input voltage (frequency) narrow range of UPS will work frequently, greatly reducing battery life. Therefore, the input voltage (frequency) should choose a wide range of UPS equipment. 2.2 UPS system output stability. The UPS provides a stable power supply for high-end devices such as servers that require high power. But pay attention to check the UPS output voltage waveform distortion, voltage waveform distortion will likely result in server data error, loss and so on. 2.3 with automatic frequency / phase synchronization. Frequency / phase automatic synchronization function to ensure that the UPS output and mains input within a certain range of frequency and phase synchronization, to avoid the UPS system inverter power supply and bypass power supply during the conversion cycle to the UPS inverter
我国沙漠众多 ,90 %分布在乌鞘岭和贺兰山以西 ,约占西北五省区的 1/ 3。沙漠环境的主要特点是 :气候酷热 ,温差大 ;降水量少 ,极端干燥 ;水资源少 ,水质较差 ,饮水问题突出