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在长征胜利80周年纪念日前夕,中共上海市委举行了一次常委学习会,听取著名军旅作家王树增作《长征精神的当代意义》专题辅导报告。王树增以大量史实和无数革命前辈可歌可泣的英雄事迹,饱含深情地讲述了红军长征的光辉历程和伟大意义。他指出,长征是人类历史上罕见的不畏艰难险阻、不畏牺牲的远征,更是传播理想信念的远征,铸就了无以伦比的精神丰碑。只有精神强大的民族、信仰坚定的政党才能经得起艰难困苦的挑战,这是中国共产党领导中国革命和建设得出的重要经验。长征精神在任何时候都不过时,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦,需要传承好长征精神。上海市委书记韩正主持学习会并讲话。韩正强调,长征精神是崇高信仰指引下的人类伟大壮举,是共产党人创造的英雄主义奇迹,是我们实现“两个一百年”目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的不竭精神动力,是中国共产党极为宝贵的精神财富。王树增的纪实文学巨著《长征》,十余年来畅销不衰逾50万册。今年8月,王树增曾携《长征》修订版参加上海书展,其间,《新民周刊》记者对他进行了独家专访。王树增指出,如今强调长征,是强调一种永不言败的精神。 On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, the CPC Shanghai Municipal Party Committee held a study tour of the Standing Committee and listened to the special counseling report entitled “Contemporary Significance of the Long March Spirit” by Wang Shuzeng, a well-known military writer. Wang Shuzeng, with a large number of historical facts and epic heroic deeds of countless revolutionary predecessors, fully and profoundly tells the glorious course and great significance of the Long March of the Red Army. He pointed out: The Long March is an uncommon rare and adventurous expedition in the history of mankind. It is even a dissemination of ideal and faith and an unparalleled spiritual monument. Only the energetic nation and the steadfast political party can stand the challenge of hardship and hardship. This is an important lesson the CPC has come to lead the Chinese revolution and construction. The spirit of the Long March is not outdated at any time, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream of the Chinese nation requires the inheritance of the Long March spirit. Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Han Zheng presided over the seminar and delivered a speech. Han Zheng emphasized that the spirit of the Long March is a great feat of mankind under the guidance of lofty beliefs and a miracle of heroism created by communists and is a symbol of the realization of the goal of “two hundred and one hundred years” and the achievement of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the “Chinese dream.” The inexhaustible spiritual driving force is an extremely valuable spiritual asset of the Chinese Communist Party. Wang Shuzeng’s documentary masterpiece “Long March,” sold more than 10 years more than 500,000 copies. In August this year, Wang Shuseng had brought a revised version of the Long March to the Shanghai Book Fair. During this period, Xinmin Weekly reporter gave him an exclusive interview. Wang Shuseng pointed out: Now emphasizing the Long March is to emphasize a spirit that never fails to fail.
在德国的“道姆吸毒”事件闹得沸沸扬扬的时候,英国的“球员豪赌”事件也引起了不小的风波,这个事件无疑又成为了众人争论的话题。 英国《世界新闻》上发表的文章指出,包括前英
Objective: To overall evaluate the change of global cardiac systolic performance and diastolic filling in hypovoleamia byLBNP. Methods: 10 healthy male subjects