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按照总部有关部门要求,本刊自今年第2期开办了“我为《民兵法》献一计”专栏,所登稿件受到了总部有关部门领导的表扬和肯定,该专栏也逐步被广大读者接受和重视。但是,目前来稿主要是专家学者所写,希望省军区系统的广大人武、专武和民兵干部赶快拿起笔来,结合您们的亲身工作实践,把您们的建议和想法写出来,为《民兵法》的制定和出台献计献策。 In accordance with the requirements of relevant departments at headquarters, we published the column entitled “I Dedicate” to the Militia Law since the second of this year. The articles published were praised and affirmed by the leaders of relevant departments at the headquarters. The column was also gradually accepted by readers And attention. However, the present manuscripts are mainly written by experts and scholars. We hope that the vast majority of armed forces, armed forces and militia officers in the provincial military region system will pick up their pencils quickly and write down your suggestions and thoughts in light of your personal work practices. Development and promulgation of militia law.
The most painful and bitter memories ofChina’s lost antiques in the past are closelyassociated with robbery, plunder, and smugglingby foreigners. The Opium War
在浩瀚的大海上,一艘货轮卸货后返航,途中突然遭遇巨大风暴的袭击。面对惊慌失措的水手们,镇定的船长果断下令:“打开所有货仓,马上往里面灌 In the vast sea, a cargo ship
2004 中国(北方)特种种植养殖暨 农产品展览会 举 办 时 间 :2004 年 9 月 5 日 — 8 日 举 办 地 点 :辽 宁 农 业 展 览 馆 展 会 主 题 :展 示 特 种 产
【正】 Import dependenceremains heavyChina is one of the major natural rub-ber producers in the world.Both theplanting area and the actual outputare the fifth i
卫生部、国家中医药管理局日前发出通知,要求进一步加强医疗机构医疗服务和药品价格管理。 The Ministry of Health and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese
在苏北有一间螺丝钉专卖店。这家店从开业至今只卖螺丝钉,其他的什么也不卖。一颗小小的螺丝钉实在不起眼,其中包含的利润也是微乎其微,所以很多人 There is a screw shop
他口袋里只有1元钱及回家的1张车票。从深圳开出的143次列车开始检票了,他百感交集。“再见了!深圳。”一句话还没有说出,就已泪流满面。 “我不能就这样走。”在跨上车门的