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保持党的纯洁性要突出抓好以密切党同人民群众血肉联系为重点的作风建设,突出抓好以惩治和预防腐败体系建设为重点的廉政建设,着力解决廉政建设中人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,着力提 Maintaining the purity of the party should give prominence to the construction of a working style focusing on the close flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, give prominence to the construction of a clean and honest government focusing on the building of a system of punishment and prevention of corruption, and strive to solve the outstanding problems that the masses of the people reflect strongly in the process of building a clean government Problems, focus on mentioning
定语从句是英语语法的重点和难点,也是历届高考的热点。以下是笔者的归纳总结,供参考之用。学好定语从句的关键是正确选择关系词,要一看先行词,二看关系词在 Attributive cl
摘要目的本研究旨在通过大样本的MDCT研究,探讨用漂浮脂肪征评估桡骨关节内骨折病人的指伸肌腱鞘受累情况。方法收集2005年1月—2011年10月期间603例急 Abstract Objectives
AIM: To investigate the potential protective effect of exogenous recombinant interleukin-22(r IL-22) on L-arginine-induced acute severe pancreatitis(SAP)-associ
AIM:To identify the anthropometric,metabolic and mood state in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients from the west of Mexico and to evaluate the effect of B
目的探讨儿童胸腔积液的病因及临床特征,提高临床诊治水平。方法回顾性分析首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院呼吸内科2015年11月至2016年10月177例胸腔积液患儿的临床资料。结果 1
构成比(structural relative number)表示事物内部各组成成分的计数值或测量值所占该事物全部组成的计数总值或测量总值的百分比。率(rate)则是一种事物和现象发生的频率或强
The aim of this study was to prospectively assess the accuracy gain of Bayesian analysis-based computeraided diagnosis(CAD) vs human judgment alone in character