
来源 :影像视觉 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovepc
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去年,《影像视觉》杂志举办了中国首个户外摄影大赛,对国内户外和摄影爱好者的跨界交流做了尝试。2013年,我们牵手龙狮戴尔品牌,有幸再次为国内热爱户外活动和摄影、热爱极致生活和不平凡的朋友送上一场影像视觉的盛筵。巧合的是,龙狮戴尔品牌和《影像视觉》皆源自英伦,前者从古老的英国伯爵家族发展而来,对19世纪60年代的流行时装影响颇深,继承了贵族血统和英伦时尚,立志于兼合户外服装及装备的优良功能性和时尚感,这与《影像视觉》推崇高质感、专业性,视觉语言与灵魂并重的摄影作品的理念不谋而合。建立在这样的同心基础与信任之上,我们希望通过这次摄影大赛,发现更多国内优秀的户外摄影作品和作者,同时推广在户外活动和摄影创作当中感悟人生的生活方式,把户外和摄影玩得专业,玩出时尚,正如本次大赛主题一样,一起“潮”户外出发!最后,感谢其他摄影器材品牌对本次大赛的奖品支持,是他们让这次大赛的参与者和关注者倍加体会到户外摄影作品的价值.文些专业装备能让我 Last year, Vision Magazine held its first outdoor photography contest in China, trying out cross-border exchanges for domestic and foreign photographers. In 2013, we held the Dragon Lion brand and we were fortunate to once again deliver an image visual feast to our country-loving outdoor activities and photography, love the ultimate life and extraordinary friends. Coincidentally, the dragon lion Dell brand and “visual vision” are derived from England, the former from the ancient British Earl family developed from the impact of the 1860s popular fashion, inherited the aristocratic descent and British fashion, determined Combining the excellent functionality and fashion of outdoor apparel and equipment, this is in line with the philosophy of “imaging vision” that promotes photography with high quality, professionalism, visual language and soul. Based on this concentric foundation and trust, we hope that through this photo contest, we will discover more outstanding domestic outdoor photography and authors as well as promote life-style lifestyles in outdoor activities and photography. Play professional, play fashion, as the theme of this contest, together Finally, thank the other photographic equipment brands for this contest prizes support, they make the contest participants and concerns Double experience the value of outdoor photography
  Winter-forcing culture of asparagus is becoming popular in Japan because the method can make production of asparagus possible during cold season whereas spr
摘要:引导学生走进经典的殿堂是时代发展的要求,是提高学生综合素养、增强民族文化自信的和培育学生语文学科核心素养的需要。为此本文提出了有的放矢、由浅入深、以点带面、读写结合等的措施和方法。  关键词:引导孩子;走进;经典殿堂  当前,随着信息化社会的快速发展,中学生接受信息的渠道越来越多,电视、网络、手机等充斥着学生的眼耳,且越来越受到他们的青睐。由于社会传统、当下习俗以及家长期待的影响,学校教师、
以往,我们习惯了“酒香不怕巷子深”的低调和韬光养晦的谋略,很少像现在这样高调出击,主动在全球做起了“形象广告”。 In the past, we are accustomed to the low-key tac
  The nutrient contents in different organs were analyzed to explore the accumulation characteristics of nutrients in asparagus.The results showed that the ac