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培养液的制备取新鲜的猪胆,用注射器吸取胆汁,按1份胆汁同4份生理盐水(0.9%的食盐水)相混合制成。孵化方法从屠宰场取新宰的有囊尾蚴寄生的猪肉,剥出囊尾蚴(注意不要损伤囊壁)。孵化前用拇指和食指挟持囊尾蚴,轻轻地挤压头节内翻的部位,以提高孵化率,缩短孵化时间。将囊尾蚴投入培养液中,置于37%恒温条件下孵化。若无恒温设备,可用保温杯或广口保温瓶代替,其方法是将培养液注入小试管(或指管)中,液量不超过1/2,置38℃温水中浴热,待温度达37℃时,将剥好的囊尾蚴投入培养液中,再将试管移到盛有37℃热水的保温杯中,注意杯中热水不要 Preparation of culture broth to take fresh pig gall, aspirated bile syringe, according to 1 bile with 4 copies of normal saline (0.9% saline) phase mixture. Incubation method Slaughterhouse to take a new slaughter of cysticerci parasitic pork, peel cysticerci (pay attention not to damage the wall). Before hatch with the thumb and index finger to host cysticercosis, gently squeeze head varus site to increase the hatching rate and shorten the incubation time. Cysticercus into the culture medium, placed in 37% constant temperature incubation. If there is no thermostatic device, can be replaced with a thermos cup or wide mouth thermos flask, the method is to inject the medium into a small test tube (or tube), the amount of liquid does not exceed 1/2, set 38 ℃ warm water bath heat until the temperature reached 37 ℃, the stripped cysticercosis into the culture medium, and then the tube was moved to 37 ℃ hot water in the insulation cup, pay attention to the cup of hot water do not
变形链球菌(以下简称变链菌)粗制酶制剂(CEP)由菌体培养液经硫酸铵沉淀获得,葡糖基转移酶(Mutansynthetase;MS)由变链菌6715株(g型)制得,纯化后在电泳上显 Streptococcus m
The central nervous system(CNS),i.e.brain and spinal cord,is conventionally perceived as an immunologicallyprivileged site in that the tight junctions of endoth
在快节奏的工作中,你应当学会放弃一些东西,然后试着慢下来的生活,这样你会看到更美的风景 In fast-paced work, you should learn to give up something and try to slow d
A 社会生活需要产生的新职业新世纪、新生活,一切都在日新月异的变化。新的生活方式催生了新的生意,产生了新的需求带来了新的就业机会,新的职业于是层出不穷。陪同购物李萌