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新时期农民应该具备的法律素质是:(一)具备一定的法律知识。新时期农民应该了解基本的法律法规,具备与自己的生产生活密切相关的法律知识。要积极参加普法学习,认真学习《宪法》、《刑法》、《民法》、《经济合同法》、《选举法》、《社会治安管理处罚条例》等法律法规,成为一个具备一定法律素养的新型农民。(二)具有法制观念,知道和能够依法办事、依法维护自己的合法权益。农民群众要正确行使民主权利,搞好村民自治;运用法律手段解决民间纠纷,不采取过激行为,不越级上访,不做妨碍社会秩序的事情;不参与“黄、赌、毒”和封建迷信以及其他非法活动。自觉履行法律法规所规定的各项义务。爱护国家、集体财产,搞好计划生育。同时,要善于用法律手 The legal qualities that peasants should have in the new period are: (1) having certain legal knowledge. In the new era, peasants should understand the basic laws and regulations and have legal knowledge closely related to their own production and life. We must take an active part in the study of law popularization and conscientiously study the laws and regulations such as the Constitution, the Criminal Law, the Civil Law, the Economic Contract Law, the Electoral Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Public Order and Security to become a new type of legal aid Peasants. (B) have the legal concept, know and be able to act in accordance with the law, according to the law to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. The masses of peasants should correctly exercise their democratic rights and do a good job in villagers’ self-government. They should not resort to acts of excesses or petitions to interrogate civil disputes by using legal means. They will not do anything that would hinder social order. They will not participate in “pornography, gambling, poisoning” and feudalism Superstitions and other illegal activities. Conscientiously perform all the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations. Love the country, collective property, do a good job in family planning. At the same time, be good at using legal hands
一、词语例解1.curiosity n.好奇;求知欲(wanting to know about things)常构成搭配curiosity about sth.或cu- riosity to do sth.。 1. Curiosity n. curiosity; curiosit
在晋朝,有个名叫车胤的,从小好学不倦。因家里非常贫穷,没钱买灯油,晚上无法读书。他看见屋外飞舞着星星点点的萤火虫,像天上的星星一样,于是把萤火虫活捉过来,放在白纱布袋里,再把布袋吊在书桌上方,借着微弱的萤光认真读书。  萤火虫,属于鞘翅目萤科,是一种微型甲虫,因它尾部能放射萤光,所以又称之为萤火虫。萤火虫别名很多,有流萤、景天、熠燿、夜光,还有宵烛、夜照、耀夜等。萤火虫走进人们的生活,也就成为诗人
8月9日至15日,开封市国有西寨林场发生带有黑社会性质的毁林案件,该场马房分场的200亩林木遭到附近村民的大肆哄抢,被伐杨树690棵490.18立方米,价值40多万元。 西寨林场马房
Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。 I. Spelling of words Based on the initials and sentence meanings or given Chinese prom
目前,房地产市场秩序比较混乱,纠纷经常发生,购房者为了维护自身的合法权益,必须把握好商品房的购买关,在选购时注意以下问题:   一、查看证件:出售商品房必需有《商品房预售许可