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在女足成为民族英雄之后,女足国家队的队员成为了大家的“吉祥物”。要接触她们可没有以前容易了。前一段记者去上海采访,给孙雯的手机打电话,电话的那一头的孙雯略带沙哑的声音,说很忙,有这样那样的活动,约好第二天她们在电视台做完节目之后一起吃一顿饭。第二天,一直到晚上十点,记者也没有她的电话,于是想她们都很忙,也许这会儿又被谁请去当嘉宾了,正想着,电话响了,说在电视台刚刚录完节目,20分钟之后到。我们在饭店门口等着,看见一辆桑塔那轿车里有人在打招呼,是谢慧琳,不一会儿,车里呼啦呼啦下来六个人,谢意琳、孙雯、浦玮、王静霞、高红霞,最后一位是上海女足的主教练马良行。 踢足球的女孩子们比较开朗、活泼,也比较天真、单纯,在电视台被人摆布了一整天,直嚷嚷累了,要教练请她们吃饭,只是一在饭桌上坐下来,又有很多人围了上来,纷纷要敬酒,要求签名,有的干脆抱着孩子说要在孩子的衣服上签名,于是女足姑娘们只能把孩子像传球一样签完了再传给下一个。记者本来想乘机采访一下女足姑娘的设想给这些热心的追随者们搅得一塌糊涂。 After the women’s football became a national hero, the members of the women’s football national team have become “mascots” for everyone. It is easier to get in touch with them. Before a reporter went to Shanghai for an interview, he called Sun Wen’s cell phone. The phone was slightly hoarse on the other side of the phone. He said he was busy with such activities. After the appointment the next day they finished the program on the television station Eat a meal together. The next day, until ten o’clock, the reporter did not call her, so think they are very busy, and may now be invited to be a guest again, just thinking, the phone rang, said in the television just recorded End the program, after 20 minutes. We waited in front of the hotel, saw someone in a Santana car greeting, is Xie Huilin, a moment later, the car hula ho six people down, Xie Lin, Sun Wen, Pu Wei, Wang Jingxia, Gao Hongxia, the last Shanghai women’s football coach Ma Liangxing. The girls who play soccer are cheerful, lively and naive. They are purely innocent. They are being put on TV for a whole day and are shouting. To coaches them to eat, they just sit down at the dinner table and a lot of people Enclosed, have to toast, asked for signature, and some simply holding the child to sign that the clothes on the child, so women and girls can only be the same as the children pass the ball signed and then passed to the next one. Reporters had wanted to take the opportunity to interview about the idea of ​​women’s football to these enthusiastic followers mess mess.
汉语的复杂性增加了对外汉语教学的难度 ,本文以“了”字为例 ,论述了教一点、学一点、练一点的学练一体的教学方法比较适合外国学生的汉语学习。 The complexity of Chines
《汉语拼音方案》自公布以来,在识字教学、推广普通话、普及文化等方面发挥 了积极作用,应在保持其稳定性的原则下,对其过时或不完善之处,如注音字 母、汉字注释、零声母、声韵母