以开拓求生存 以改革求发展——清镇市百货公司改革发展纪实

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清镇市百货公司属县级小型国有企业。在由计划经济向社会主义市场经济转换的过程中和其它国有企业一样丽临机制僵化、历史包袱沉重、外部环境不宽松、竞争条件不公平、企业后劲不足等严重问题。为谋求企业生存和发展,公司在邓小平同志深化企业改革、建设有中国特色社会主义理论指引下,跳出计划经济圈子,转换经营机制,参与竞争,通过强化企业管理,走改革之路,在促销、压库、管好用活资金上狠下功夫.取得长足发展。到1999年达到年销售额1208万元,实现税利59万元,基本上走出低谷,在逆境中逐步走上良性循环的发展道路。扬长避短,转换机制搞改革在实行经营承包责任制中,公司首先从经营机制上着手,对几十年一贯制的批发机构进行调整,将过去以批发为主的批零兼营改为以零售为主兼批发的零批兼营,重点抓零售。 Qingzhen City Department Stores is a county-level small state-owned enterprise. In the process of shifting from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, as with other state-owned enterprises, there are serious problems such as the rigidity of the Libino mechanism, heavy historical burdens, loose external environment, unfair competition conditions, and lack of corporate stamina. In order to seek for the survival and development of the company, under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s deepening corporate reform and building the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the company jumped out of the planned economic circle, transformed its operating mechanism, participated in competition, strengthened enterprise management, and took the road of reforms in sales promotion. We have made great efforts to press warehouses and manage live capital. By 1999, it had achieved an annual sales of RMB 12.08 million and a tax and profit of RMB 590,000. It has basically reached a low point and gradually embarked on a virtuous cycle of development in adversity. Avoiding weaknesses, transforming mechanisms and engaging in reforms In implementing the contract responsibility system, the company first started with a management mechanism and adjusted the wholesale organization that has been in place for several decades, changing the wholesale and retail-oriented wholesale and retail operations to retail sales. And wholesale zero batch of concurrently, focusing on retail sales.
介绍了影响混凝土强度的主要因素及混凝土质量控制的关键环节。 The main factors influencing the concrete strength and the key links of the concrete quality control