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  M: Yes, Marilyn. And what can I do for you?
  W: I’ve lost my school bag, Mr Hardwick.
  M: Are you sure you’ve s__1__ everywhere?
  W: Yes. I can’t find it a__2__.
  M: Can you d__3__ it to me?
  W: Yes. It’s brown and it’s got a large button at the front.
  M: And what was in it?
  W: My p__4__ with about $2 in it, er…some keys, and address
   book and a letter with my name on it.
  M: When did you l__5__ have it?
  W: I had it with me at lunchtime and I h__6__ it on the side of my
   chair while I was eating.
  M: And when did you first n__7__ that it was missing?
  W: After lunch. I suppose it was about ten past one. I was going to
   buy some coffee from the vending m__8__ and then I noticed Idid h__9__ my bag. But when I went back it wasn’t there on the
  M: Have you asked the caretaker if he’s seen it?
  W: Yes. He hasn’t seen it at all.
  M: All right, Marilyn. I’ll see w__10__ I can do.
  W: You must be t__1__ busy with your senior paper right now,Richard.
  M: That’s all over. That was f__2__ days ago, in fact now I’m waiting
   for the r__3__. I worked literally night and day to get it ready.
  W: Why did you h__4__ so much?
  M: I had to go home to my sister’s w__5__ that Saturday. I couldn’t
   miss it. Since my dad was g__6__, I had to take his p__7__.
  W: I didn’t know you have a younger sister.
  M: I do. But it wasn’t for her wedding. She got m__8__ a year ago.It was my elder sister. She is 29.
  W: So why did you come back if all your work is c__9__?
  M: It isn’t. I still have to finish up 3 courses before I g__10__.
  M: OK. But t__1__ is very difficult this time of the year—the coldest
   winter days.
  W: Yes, it is. So why don’t you go to one place and stay for a while?
  M: It’s not a good idea!
  W: The way I see it, you should go where it is w__2__.
  M: Where would you go in my s__3__?
  W: I’ve always w__4__ to go to Guilin.
  M: I hear it is very beautiful there. But perhaps I’ll go there in summer, w__5__ it’s more beautiful.
  W: Do you want my h__6__ advice?
  M: Sure. Please tell me.
  W: Take my a__7__ and go to Kunming.
  M: That’s great!It’s warm there.
  W: Do you need my help in buying a ticket?
  M: Yes. Thank you. Shall we go to the b__8__ office next week?
  W: You had b__9__ buy your ticket right now.
  M: Fine. Let’s go.
  W: I’m happy you like my suggestion.
  M: I always a__10__ my students’ advice.
1 单项填空。(每小题1分,共15分)
1.hold out, hold up与hold on  hold out”伸出,坚持,支持”。  hold up”阻挡,使停顿”。  hold on”等一等,停住(打电话)不挂断”。  He held out his arms to embrace the little girl.  他伸出双臂拥抱那个小女孩。  We must hold out till victory. 我们必须坚持到胜利。
2007年高考英语单项选择题语法考点分布均匀,重点难点突出,代表了考查趋势。    一、语法考点分布状况介绍  请看下列语法考查题数分布表(共15套试题,考查225道试题)。    从上表中可以看出,2007年高考重点考查易混词语辨析、时态、语态、情景对话、非谓语动词、冠词、倒装句型等语法项目,主谓语一致、数词没有作重点考查,虚拟语气不作考查。    二、热点语法考点介绍  (一)定语从句考点  
1. John ____ have kept his promise. I wonder why he changed his idea.  A. mustB. shouldC. needD. would  2. ——Could I use your bike?  ——Yes, surely you ____.  A. mightB. willC. canD. should  3. It’s ne
Ⅰ、单项选择  1、——Why weren't you at the party last night?  ——I ____ the World Cup.  A、watched B、have been watching  C、was watching D、had been watching
罗伯特·H·舒勒  失败并不代表你是个失败者,  它只表明你尚未成功。  失败并不代表你一无所获,  它只表明你吸取了一次教训。  失败并不代表你很愚蠢,  它只表明你信心百倍。  失败并不代表你无脸见人,
Ⅰ、单项选择  1、As we know, plain glass is ____  A、transparent B、apparent C、basic D、initial
The Upside Down House is a project created by a Polish businessman and philanthropist named Daniel Czapiewski, and is located in Poland in the tiny village of Szymbark. Rather than simply being a biza