
来源 :实用医技杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzeqian
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为掌握我市市售化妆品的卫生质量,加强化妆品的监叔管理,确保卫生质量和使用安全,维护消费者利益,我市卫生防疫站于九八年六月对市区36个销售点的128份样品进行了卫生学调查,现将调查结果报告如下:1.材料和方法1·1 材料 抽检市区内36家128份样品。其中膏霜类56份,洗涤类68份,香水8份,口红2份,均为销售柜直接采样,集中送检。 In order to master the hygienic quality of the cosmetics on the market in our city, to strengthen the management of cosmetics supervisors, to ensure the health quality and safety of use, and to safeguard the interests of consumers, the city’s health and epidemic prevention stations had 36 sales points in the urban area in June 1998. Samples were investigated for hygiene. The results of the survey are reported as follows: 1. Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials Sample 36 samples of 128 samples in urban areas. Among them, 56 were creams, 68 were washings, 8 were perfumes, and 2 were lipsticks. They were all directly sampled from sales counters and sent for inspection.
..,一........曰.曰甲一,肠总第181一1 92期醚甜翩脚翻稳铡摊嫌四哪酬哪嘟哪卿娜料沸腆酬歇甜超嫩枷耀缪徽嘟榔黝撇卯加幕动化第一期柔性制造车间立体仓库信息管理的研究.…,
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Oscillating combustion is one of classic phenomenon in SHS.But the cause of its formation in a set of complex processes is unclear yet.With a two-step chemical
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艾青作品国际研讨会筹备委员会: 欣悉艾青作品国际研讨会在北京召开,这是中国文学艺术界的一件喜事,我谨致热烈的祝贺。并对来自外国的专家、学者,来自台湾和香港的同胞表示
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