A U.S. food and drug administration study found that even sterilized endoscopes still present a problem of contamination. Investigators at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health Drugs Management Center worked with health departments in Iowa, Maryland, and Massachusetts to study the sterilization and sterilization procedures at 22 hospitals and four out-patient clinics. Also examined a simple disinfection records, met with the staff, and made the test of disinfection. From these findings, it was found that 3/4 of the departments did not follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), such as less frequently sterilized biopsy forceps. The researchers found that such negligence was “dangerous” because the biopsy forceps traversed the patient’s mucous membrane. What is more, the researchers saw some “should not see the error,” including not recording disinfection date, not cleaning the endoscope of the internal channel, without disinfectant flushing channel, not immersed