大力发展非正规就业 缓解就业压力

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就业问题是当今世界各国普遍面临的一个难题,特别是对我国这样一个人口大国,就业岗位供不应求将是一个长期历史现象。解决好中国的就业问题,需要有一整套与社会经济发展相互衔接的政策措施,特别需要从总体上把握好就业与社会发展、经济增长的关系,推动经济增长的同时,要大力促进就业岗位的增加。“十五”计划纲要提出:“保持较快的经济增长速度,创造更多的就业岗位。制定和落实优惠政策,发展具有比较优势的劳动密集型产业,发展就业容量大的服务企业、中小企业和非公有制企业。”“引导劳动者转变就业观念,采取非全日制就业、季节性就业等灵活多样的就业形式,提倡自主就业。”“十五”计划把扩大就业作为经济和社会发展的主要目标之一,把就业工作的地位提高到了一个新的高度。我们认为,大力发展非正规就业,可以有效增加就业岗位,充分 The employment problem is a common problem faced by all countries in the world today. In particular, it will be a long-term historical phenomenon for China, a country with a large population and employment shortage. In order to solve the employment problem in China, we need to have a set of policies and measures that are linked to social and economic development. In particular, we need to grasp the relationship between employment and social development and economic growth as a whole and promote economic growth. At the same time, we must vigorously promote the increase in employment opportunities . The Outline of the Tenth Five-Year Plan proposes: “To maintain a relatively fast economic growth rate and create more jobs. To formulate and implement preferential policies to develop labor-intensive industries with comparative advantages and to develop service enterprises with large employment capacity Small and medium-sized enterprises and non-public-owned enterprises. ”“ Guide the workers to change their employment concepts and adopt flexible and diverse forms of employment such as part-time employment and seasonal employment to promote self-employment. ”" Employment, as one of the main goals of economic and social development, has raised the status of employment work to a new height. We believe that vigorously developing informal employment can effectively increase employment opportunities and make full use of it
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一、适用性人才观 许多企业在招聘中往往认为高学历者即人才,陷入人才招聘的误区。 所谓人才是指在某一专业领域内具有专门知识技能的人。历史上建筑专家伊尹的人才观值得我
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为解决水泥制品行业废渣多、污染大的难题,泰州水泥制品厂利用混凝土废墟、废卵石、废碎水泥制品构件、煤渣、电石渣和各种下脚灰为原料,经粉碎,加适量水泥搅拌,再 In orde
在靖国神社“游就馆”内,专门有一个展厅常年展示着甲午战争中的遗物和史料。这里面所有的图片和史料都在竭力美化那场蓄谋已久的侵略战争,渲染日军的英勇无敌,却绝口不提日军在旅顺屠杀中国人的历史事实。  以战争“正当性”淡化侵略色彩  日本中学使用频率较高的“日本史”教科书对“甲午战争”(日本称“日清战争”)是这样描述的:“1894年,朝鲜发生东学党农民起义,中国的清政府应朝鲜政府请求,出兵协助镇压,并依
华元小区是漳州市惟一的省级试点小区,总用地约12 hm2,于2000年着手规划设计,现已完成一、二期工程建设。规划特色(1)原生性。尊重原生地形特征,建筑依山就势,层层跌落,半地
在“十五”计划纲要的 26章中,第 12章是“实施人才战略,壮大人才队伍”。把人才单列一章,是以往的五年计划所没有的。这表明大力开发人才资源,培养、吸引和用好人才,已作为国家“
9月7日 阴  清晨,我来到公园散步。  走着走着,看见一只小蜗牛,在地上爬呀爬。我收住了脚步,靠近它,仔细地看起来。它的头圆圆的,上面长着眼睛的触角向上竖起,还一动一动的,仿佛两根天线;它没脖颈,头和身体连在一起。小蜗牛整天背着一个大包伏,难道不累吗?我用手轻轻一碰小蜗牛,眼睛就藏起来,身体立即缩到壳里,头上的角也缩进去了,只留下一点点露在外面。我等着小蜗牛什么时候再伸出头来,过了大约有5分钟,