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全省产麦區的小麥統購工作已先后開始。各地經過宣傳憲法草案,農只的社會主义覺悟进一步提高,普遍掀起丁賣粮熱潮。但是粮食的統購統銷,畢竟是一件新的工作,而且关系到農民生產規律和生活习惯的改變。大家知道,要改變農民的習惯,是很不容易的事,必須經過耐心的教育与長期的努力。農民是最相信事實的,他们不僅用耳聽,更重要的是用眼看。要使農民真正了解国家的粮食統購統銷政策,必須結合農民的切身體驗,採用通俗的、生動活潑的方法,用活人活事活道理,反覆的向農民宣傳再宣傅。去年各地普遍運用的幫農民算三筆胀的方法,就是向農民宣傅的好方法,因而收到了良好效果。今年,我们向農民宣傅粮食統購統銷政策,较去年更有了物質基礎,農只經過半年多實際體會,已逐漸認識到粮食統購統銷的好處;只要我們善於把農民這些切身體會總結起來,啟發農民自己教育自己,那便是最生動最有說服力的方法。根据去年的經驗與最近各地反映的情况,農民對国家統購統銷粮食有三個顧慮:怕災荒、怕買下到粮食;怕粮價不穩;怕影響生產。要解除這 Wheat production in the wheat-producing areas across the province has started successively. After propaganda around the draft constitution, the socialist consciousness of the peasants was further enhanced and the boom of selling the staples was generally set off. However, the unification of grain purchase and marketing is, after all, a new undertaking and a change in peasant production patterns and living habits. We all know that it is not easy to change the habits of peasants. We must have patient education and long-term efforts. Peasants are the most convincing of the facts. They not only use their ears to listen, but more importantly they use their eyes to see. To enable farmers to truly understand the state’s policies on the state monopoly of grain purchase and marketing, it is necessary to combine with peasants’ personal experience and adopt a popular and lively method to propagandize and publicize peasants again and again through living truth. The method commonly used by peasants in various parts of the country last year to calculate three direct sums of inflation was a good way to address the peasants and received good results. This year, we declared to the peasants that the policy of purchasing and selling grain and using the grain more material basis than last year. After more than six months of actual experience, the peasants have come to realize the benefits of the state monopoly of grain purchase and marketing. As long as we are good at summing up these personal experiences of peasants, Farmers themselves educate themselves, and that is the most vivid and persuasive way. According to the experience of last year and the recent reports from all over the country, peasants have three concerns about the state monopoly for marketing and distribution of grain: fear of famine and fear of buying grain; fear of instability in grain prices and fear of affecting production. To lift this
摘要 糖尿病肾病(Diabetes Nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus,DM)患者常见的微血管并发症,也是引起终末期肾脏病的主要原因之一。高糖环境下,非酶糖化反应生成的晚期糖基化终末产物(Advanced Glycationend Products,AGEs)和晚期糖基化终末产物受体(Receptors for Advanced Glycation End