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春日迟迟春日迟迟。这样的时候,很想做回老底子的女子。躲在小楼内,填填词、作作诗、弹弹古筝,特别是在楼台上绣绣花,让水红水绿的光阴从细细的针眼里一丝丝地凝成了国色天香的牡丹或暗香浮动的梅花。那些平绣、雕绣、贴绢绣、借色绣的手法不知是哪个女子冥想得来的灵念。旧时闺中女子足不出户,却能以十个手指的想象和出神入化,抵达美的故乡。可惜的是那么好的绣品大多只能在深闺寂寞地湮灭,为它喝采的只有芭蕉、樱桃、墙头上的艳阳和天井里飞舞的尘埃。 Spring is late Spring is late. At this time, I really want to be a woman who has never been back in time. Hiding in the small building, filling words, writing poems, playing bombs Guzheng, especially embroidered embroidery on the balcony, so that the water red water green from the thin needle eyes faintly condensed into the sky peony or dark Fragrant floating plum. Those who flat embroidery, carved embroidery, embroidered silk embroidery, borrowed embroidery techniques I do not know which woman meditating from the souls. Old woman in the boudoir stay at home, but with 10 fingers of imagination and superb, arrived in the United States’s hometown. Unfortunately, so good embroidery most of the only lonely annihilation in purdah, only for its applause Basho, cherry, sun on the wall and the dust flying in the courtyard.
波音公司是全球最主要的民用飞机制造商之一,同时也是军用飞机、卫星、导弹防御、人类太空飞行和运载火箭发射领域的领先者。它在全球70个国家以及美 Boeing is one of the
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