安重根纪念馆开馆 韩国民众、政府点“赞”

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1月19日下午,位于黑龙江省哈尔滨火车站的安重根义士纪念馆举行开馆仪式。一个多世纪前,朝鲜半岛近代史上著名的独立运动家安重根在此击毙日本枢密院议长、首任“韩国统监”伊藤博文。我国人民对安重根并不陌生,早在上世纪70年代末就从朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的影片中了解了他的事迹。安重根1897年出生于今朝鲜黄海南道海州地区。1894年甲午战争后,日本加快侵略、吞并朝鲜半岛的步伐。安重根先是通过办学开展爱国文化启蒙运动,后又弃笔从戎,到中国东北和俄罗斯远东地区投身反日义兵运动。 On the afternoon of January 19, the ceremony was held at the Ann Chonggen Memorial Hall, located at Harbin Railway Station in Heilongjiang Province. More than a century ago, An Zhonggen, a prominent independent campaigner in the modern history of the Korean Peninsula, killed the Speaker of the Privy Council in Japan and the first director of the Korea Independence Regime. My people are no strangers to Anzai and learned of his deeds from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as early as the late 1970s. Ann heavy roots was born in 1897 in North Korea today Hwanghae area. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, Japan accelerated its pace of invading and annexing the Korean Peninsula. On the one hand, Angolan carried out the patriotic cultural enlightenment through running a school and then abandoned the pen to join the anti-Japanese patriotic movement in northeastern China and the Far East of Russia.
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主持人: 我1 946年4月在上海一家私人工厂开始当学徒,解放后我仍在这个工厂工作。1954年8月为了响应国家支援航空工业重点建设的号召,经上海市有关部门的批准,我到山西省太
生机勃发的宏安集团 Vigorous macro Ang Group