
来源 :空军政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huiyuanai852
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一、新形势下军队思想政治建设是一个带根本性的战略问题.首先,加强军队思想政治建设,是我军始终保持人民军队宗旨和性质、坚决听从党指挥的根本保证.从人民军队产生发展的历史来看,我军之所以能够始终不渝地坚持自己的性质,始终保持忠于党、忠于人民、忠于国家、忠于社会主义的政治本色,完成党和人民交给的各项任务,是与我军高度重视思想政治建设分不开的.我军从诞生之日起就有非常好的传统,非常好的作风,始终按照“党指挥枪”的原则,加强军队党组织建设,充分发挥军队各级党组织的核心领导作用、党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用;始终坚持“党管干部”的原则,加强军队各级领导班子建设,绝对保证枪杆子掌握在党性强、真正忠于马克思主义的人手中;始终坚持开展卓有成效的思想政治工作,按照“政治合格”的要求,教育官兵成为贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策的模范,成为忠实履行我军宗旨、职能的模范.在改革开放、发展社会主义市场经济的今天,虽然形势任务发生了新变化,但是通过思想政治建设确保我军的性质、党指挥枪的原则和政治合格的优良传统不能 First, the ideological and political building of the army under the new situation is a fundamental strategic issue. First, strengthening the ideological and political building of the army is the fundamental guarantee that our military always uphold the purposes and nature of the people’s army and resolutely obey the party’s command. From the emergence and development of the people’s army From the historical point of view, our army has been able to unswervingly uphold its nature and has always maintained the political character of being loyal to the party, loyal to the people, being loyal to the country and loyal to socialism, fulfilling the tasks entrusted to it by the party and the people. Our army attaches great importance to the ideological and political building inseparable.Our army has a very good tradition and a very good style since the day of its birth and has always been in line with the principle of “guiding the party with its own hand” to strengthen the party organization in the army and give full play to the army The core leadership role of party organizations at all levels, the role of the party branch as a fighting stronghold and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. We have always adhered to the principle of “party governing cadres” and strengthened the building of the leading bodies at all levels in the armed forces. We absolutely guarantee that the guns will be mastered in a strong, Loyal to the hands of Marxism; always insist on conducting fruitful ideological and political work, in accordance with the requirements of “political qualified”, educating officers and soldiers It has become a model for carrying out the party’s line, principles and policies faithfully and has become a model for loyally fulfilling the purposes and functions of our army. Today, despite the changes in the situation and tasks under the guidance of the policy of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy, The nature of our military, the principle of the party’s command of guns, and the fine tradition of political qualifications can not
左宗棠在新疆用兵期间,大力兴办屯田。以军兴屯,以屯饷军,不仅保障了进疆部队的军粮给养,取得了新疆战役的胜利,而且促进了新疆地区的经济发展和国防建设。 Zuo Zongtang tr
在新疆,有一种传统的马上游戏——叼羊。据说,这种游戏最早是从阿尔泰一带发展起来的。如今,所有的哈萨克族牧民把它继承了下来。叼羊,不仅是哈萨克族牧民所进行的一项扣人心弦的马上游戏,而且是一种力量和勇气的较量,马术和骑术的比赛。比赛一般在一年四季都可进行,但在各个节日期间举行更为隆重。因此,每当节日前夕,牧民们就要派出代表,到各个毡房去张罗叼羊的事,并进行选择地点、确定日 期的工作。  勇敢者的运动 