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我们欢迎更多的留学人员回国创业或以适当方式为国服务,但回国创业或为国服务,人们如今却越来越多地听到“困难”。困难对那些留学人员小企业,尤其是尚处科研开发阶段的小企业而言,有时可能只是来自一条简单的规定。透过留学人员的话语,我们无意夸大他们所遇到的困难,只是想透视这些困难,找到其背后的真正原因,并让更多的人来关注如何缓解这一困境。当然,我们也看到,这些问题还就出现在“国际化大都市”,创业环境相对较好的上海,而且不唯留学人员在回国创业和为国服务中所遇到的,其实这也是国内诸多企业界自身发展中不可避免的困境。我们也同时看到:不可能再依靠国家给留学人员或留学人员创业园多少更优惠的政策来解决。在人才竞争日趋激烈、国民待遇呼声渐高的背景下,当务之急,是建立遵循国际惯例的创业环境,确立政府、企业和市场之间的正确而有序的关系,使那些真正想创业、做实业的人,在不损害国家利益的前提下,在公正、公平、合理的竞争空间里自由发挥,避免过多的毫无价值的精神和物质耗费。 We welcome more overseas students to return to China to start businesses or serve the country in an appropriate manner. However, returning to China to start businesses or serve the country, people now hear more and more “difficulties.” Difficulties For those who study abroad for small businesses, especially those that are still at the stage of scientific research and development, it may sometimes come from a simple rule. Through the words of the students studying abroad, we have no intention of exaggerating the difficulties they have encountered. We just want to see through these difficulties and find the real reasons behind them, and let more people pay attention to how to alleviate this dilemma. Of course, we also see that these problems have also appeared in the “international metropolis” and Shanghai, where the business environment is relatively good, and not only those who have studied abroad have encountered the problems of returning to China for entrepreneurship and service to the country. In fact, this is also domestic. Many enterprises in the inevitable development of their own difficulties. At the same time, we also saw that it is impossible to rely on the country’s more preferential policies for overseas students or students’ business parks. Under the background of increasingly fierce competition for talents and rising national treatment, it is imperative to establish an entrepreneurial environment that follows international conventions and establish a correct and orderly relationship between the government, enterprises, and markets, so that those who really want to start businesses and do business The people, without prejudice to the interests of the state, are free to play in a fair, equitable, and reasonable competitive space, avoiding too much valueless spirit and material costs.
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各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 为进一步贯彻落实《关于大力发展个体私营经济的决定》(云发[1998]9号)、《的补充规定》(云发[2000]29号)和《
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