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阅读下面的文字,按要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。某杂志刊登了一份关于青少年价值观的调查报告,其中一些数据引起了人们的注意。例如对“在公共场所大声喧哗”表示难以评价的为27.2%,对“在公共汽车上不让座”表示难以评价的为22.8%,对“过马路闯红灯”表示难以评价的为15.2%,对“竞争可以不择手段”表示难以评价的为18.6%,对“诚实意味着吃亏”表示难以评价的为33.8%。有人认为,这些数据显示出相当一部分青少年对社会公德及个人品德的价值判断模糊甚至错误。有人认为,从这些数据可以推断出,多数青少年思想仍然很健康、很阳光。有人认为,“难以评价”就是因为不想简单地赞同或反对,恰好表现出当代青少年思想的多元化、个性化。要求选择一个角度构思作文,自主确定立意,确定文体,确定标题;不要脱离村料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。 Read the following text and write an article of no less than 800 words as required. A magazine published a survey of adolescent values, some of which attracted attention. For example, it is 27.2% to show “difficulty in public place” that it is difficult to evaluate, and it is 22.8% that it is difficult to evaluate on “not to let seat” in bus, and it is difficult to evaluate to “cross street red light” For the 15.2%, it is 18.6% to say that “competitiveness is unreasonable” means that it is difficult to evaluate, and that “honesty means to suffer loss” means that it is difficult to evaluate 33.8%. Some people think that these data show that a considerable proportion of young people’s value judgments on social ethics and personal morality are ambiguous and even wrong. Some people think that from these data, it can be inferred that the majority of young people’s minds are still very healthy and sunny. Some people think that “difficult to evaluate” is because they do not want to simply agree or oppose it. This just reflects the diversity and individualization of contemporary youth thinking. It is required to select an angle to conceive of the composition, determine its own concept, determine the style, and determine the title; do not deviate from the scope of the contents and meaning of the village, do not cover it, and do not copy it.
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