Influences of Different Transport Routes and Road Nodes on Industrial Land Conversion: A Case Study

来源 :中国地理科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhhs555
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Nowadays, urban transit system has become one of the major forces underlying urban pace transformation via changing ac-cessibility of related land parcels, which leads to the changes of land value and land use structure. This paper studied the interaction between land use changes and related transport routes, particular about how different transport routes and road nodes influence the con-version of industrial lands to residential and commercial uses respectively. Taking Changchun, an old industrial city in the rust belt of China as a case of study, we explored and compared the influences of different transport routes and road nodes on industrial land con-version. We found that surrounding the studied transport routes, more industrial lands were replaced by residential lands than by com-mercial lands. Also, apparent differences exist in the corridor effects of different transport routes (i.e., light rail, expressway and trunk road) and road nodes (i.e., expressway nodes and trunk road nodes) while the industrial lands convert to residential and commercial uses. Our research findings help us to illuminate the interactive relationships between transportation and industrial land conversion in old industrial cities which are undergoing social, economic and the related urban transition in Northeast China.
This study designed an approach to derive land-cover in the South Africa with insufficient ground samples, and made a case demonstration in Nzhelele and Levhuvu
自主导航是智能车辆系统的关键技术之一.该文以道路边界作为导航信息来实现智能车辆的自主导航.道路边界的识别技术是论文的重点和核心.论文所提算法用Visual C++语言编程实