On the nature of the drama, Bernhard did not deny that drama was a reflection of real life, but thought that both the dramatic writing and theatrical performance can not unmistakably reflect the truth of the objective reality and thus become a “false ”And“ cheat ”. In spite of this, Bernhardt pursues the goal of “the communication of truth” in his dramatic productions, in the genre of tragedy and comedy he uses in his play and in the way of his adaptation to the real world, the people living in them and the “ ”The inner real nature is not whitewash, no scruples are reflected in the description. The function of Bernhard’s drama should be to provoke, disrupt society and confront the audience by revealing the truth, especially the real society and the horrible truths of man - that not only prompts society to reflect on its own problems, But also deepen the audience’s understanding of the real situation of the real society and people and critically think about it.