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自改革开放以来民航运输在国民经济中的作用日益突出,愈来愈受到国家和各级地方政府的重视,民航机场建设已被作为发展经济必不可少的先行项目。中央和地方政府对民航建设的投入逐年加大,使民航事业有了突飞猛进的发展。 1980年,民航航空运输总周转量只有4.29亿吨公里,旅客运输量343万人,货邮运输量8.89万吨。到1993年,航空运输总周转量达到51亿多吨公里,旅客运输量3371万人,贷邮运输量70万吨,分别为1980年的12.1倍、9.8倍、7.9倍,大大超过了国民生产总值,到本世纪末将达到在1980年基数上翻两番。 Since the reform and opening up, the role of civil aviation transportation in the national economy has become increasingly prominent. More and more attention has been paid by the state and local governments at all levels. Civil aviation airport construction has been regarded as an indispensable advance project for economic development. The investment made by the central and local governments in the construction of civil aviation has been increasing year by year, which has led to the rapid development of civil aviation. In 1980, the total air transport volume of civil aviation was only 429 million ton-kilometers, with 3.34 million passengers and 88,900 tons of cargo and mail. By 1993, the total volume of air transport traffic had reached over 5.1 billion tons and the passenger transport volume was 33.71 million and the postal and postal transport volume was 700,000 tons, 12.1 times, 9.8 times and 7.9 times of that of 1980 respectively, far exceeding the total GNP By the end of the century, the value will quadruple the 1980 base.
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