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目的探索电焊烟尘职业暴露新的评价方法,分析电焊烟尘在呼吸道的沉积规律,为预测电焊工尘肺的风险概率及实施风险管理提供技术依据。方法选择某工程机械车间男性电焊作业工人为研究对象,进行电焊烟尘的职业暴露评价;采用国家标准方法对工作场所空气中电焊烟尘浓度进行检测,在实测数据基础上运用MPPD软件模拟电焊烟尘颗粒物在呼吸道的沉积规律,并采用蒙特卡罗方法分别模拟该车间电焊工的日暴露量、日潜在剂量和日作用剂量的概率分布。结果 90%的电焊工日暴露量、日潜在剂量分别超过17.43 mg/(d·m3)、11.46 mg/d;50%的电焊工日暴露量、日潜在剂量分别大于46.64 mg/(d·m3)、30.78 mg/d;电焊烟尘在电焊工肺部的作用剂量占潜在剂量的比率为7.5%;电焊烟尘浓度对于潜在剂量、作用剂量的贡献度最高可达93%;日暴露时长次之;呼吸速率贡献率最低。结论职业暴露评估是风险分析的关键步骤,有必要对电焊作业环境的工人进行深入细致地暴露评估。本文展示的暴露剂量评价方法能够真实反映电焊烟尘颗粒物进入人体呼吸系统的量,可为电焊工电焊烟尘职业健康风险评价提供理论依据,对保护电焊作业劳动者职业健康具有重要意义。 Objective To explore a new evaluation method of occupational exposure to welding dust and fume, analyze the deposition law of welding dust in the respiratory tract, and provide technical basis for predicting the risk probability and implementing risk management of the welders’ pneumoconiosis. Methods The male welding workers in a construction machinery workshop were chosen as the research object to evaluate the occupational exposure of welding fume dust. The national standard method was used to test the concentration of welding dust in the air of the workplace. Based on the measured data, MPPD software was used to simulate the welding dust particles Respiratory tract deposition law, Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the shop daily welder daily exposure, the daily potential dose and daily dose distribution probability. Results 90% of daily welder daily exposure and daily potential dose exceeded 17.43 mg / (d · m3) and 11.46 mg / d respectively. 50% of welder daily exposure and daily potential dose were greater than 46.64 mg / (d · m3 ), 30.78 mg / d. The ratio of the dose of welding fume to the lungs of welders was 7.5% of the potential dose. The concentration of welding fume and dust could contribute 93% of the dose to the potential dose, Respiration rate contribution rate is lowest. Conclusion Occupational exposure assessment is a key step in risk analysis. It is necessary to conduct in-depth and meticulous exposure assessment to workers in the welding operation environment. The exposure dose evaluation method presented in this paper can truly reflect the amount of dust particles entering the respiratory system and provide a theoretical basis for the occupational health risk assessment of welding fume and dust. It is of great significance to protect the occupational health of workers in welding operation.
目的:探索一种灵敏准确的测定尿中cotin ine的方法。方法:酸水解后直接用HPLC法测定Cotin ine。结果:Co-tin ine的最低检出限在0.32μmol/L,回收率在76.7%~85.4%之间。结论:
研究背景嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia,SMA)是一种低毒力、革兰氏染色阴性、需氧非发酵杆菌,以前曾用过嗜麦芽假单胞菌和嗜麦芽黄胞菌等名称,1993年Paller