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今年是抗日战争和反法西斯战争胜利50周年,回顾历史,瞻望将来,是值得认真纪念一番的。笔者年届古稀,是在抗日战争期间长大的。七七事变那年,刚入初中。虽然远离抗日前线,但也亲受抗日烽火的洗礼。为了支援抗战,与同学们一起在街头募捐,进行抗日宣传活动。1941年夏秋在昆明参加升学考试,日本飞机三天两头来轰炸,就几乎天天跑警报。从城里跑到城外,跑到昆明西郊的黄土坡,甚至跑到很远的铁峰庵。日寇的飞机炸毁了不少房屋,也炸死了好多老百姓。当时西南联大的校舍里,也炸出了许多大坑。有一次敌机在黄土坡投弹,炸弹落在离我们不远处,有些同胞被炸死炸伤了,我们幸免于难。1945年8月,日本宣布投降,我 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Anti-Fascist War. It is worth recalling history carefully and looking forward to the future. The author of the ancient thin, is raised during the Anti-Japanese War. Seventy-seven incident that year, just entering junior high school. Although far away from the anti-Japanese front, but also by the baptism of the war of resistance against Japan. In order to support the war, together with their classmates in the streets to raise funds for anti-Japanese propaganda activities. In summer and autumn of 1941, he took the entrance exam in Kunming. Japanese planes bombed every other day and day, running the police alarm almost daily. Run from the city to the outside of the city, went to the western suburbs of Kunming, the Loess Plateau, and even went far to the iron peak Um. Japanese planes blew up a lot of houses, but also killed a lot of people. At that time, many pits were blasted in the school buildings of the Southwest United University. Once an enemy plane dropped bullets on the Loess Plateau and the bomb landed far away from us. Some of our compatriots were killed and wounded, and we were spared no difficulty. In August 1945, Japan announced the surrender of me
二战时期,帮助中国抗日的美国航空部队,为了阻止日军利用北京郊区煤矿的煤生产优质钢而进一步制造武器装备,曾秘密派遣四架 B-24远程轰炸机,从印度转场中国四川成都机场,然
尼亚美尼日尔共和国最高军事委员会主席、国家元首赛义尼·孔切准将阁下: Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of the Republic of Niger, Republic of Nicaragua,
毛主席说:“没有一个人民的军队,便没有人民的一切。” (《论联合政府》)又说:“在解放区,一方面,军队应实行拥政爱民的工作,另一方面,民主政府应领导人民实行拥军优抗的工
俄罗斯西西伯利亚钢铁公司第二转炉厂采用350tLF炉精炼,不仅有利于钢水成分与温度均匀、脱硫、去夹杂,还可降低转炉出钢温度,提高转炉炉龄。 The second converter plant in