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《医疗事故处理条例 (草案 )》经国务院第次常务会议通过 ,经修改后于 2 0 0 2年 4月 4日国务院第 5 41号公报正式发布 ,正式发布的文件为《医疗事故处理条例》 ,可以在中国司法鉴定网站 (http :/ /www .fmedsci.com)查阅全文。《医疗事故处理条例》发布后 ,在社会上引起强烈反响 ,各方人事都提出了自己的意见和看法 ,褒贬不一 ,见仁见智。在中国司法鉴定网站的医疗纠纷论坛中 ,也有网友积极讨论 ,慷慨陈词者不在少数。从本期开始 ,我刊组织“《医疗事故处理条例》专题”讨论 ,有兴趣的专家、学者、读者可以踊跃赐稿 ,阐述自己对《条例》的看法 ,尤其是《条例》存在的一些问题 ,欢迎大家讨论 ,并提出修改、完善意见 ,以便卫生行政机关在制定卫生行政规章和实施细则时参考。本期刊登部分作者的文章和部分网友的观点 ,不一定有代表性和权威性 ,仅仅起到抛砖引玉的作用 ,编者期盼有更好的文章陆续发表。 The “Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents (Draft)” was approved by the State Council’s executive meeting for the first time and was officially released on April 4, 2002 in accordance with the Notice of the State Council on April 4, 2002. The official document was issued as “Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents” , You can check the full text of the Chinese Forensic Website (http: / / www.fmedsci.com). After the promulgation of the Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents, it has aroused strong repercussions in the community. All personnel have put forward their own opinions and opinions, which have mixed opinions and different opinions. In the medical dispute forum of Chinese forensic websites, there are also some active discussions by netizens, many of whom are generous. From the beginning of this issue, I organized to organize a discussion on the topic of “Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents,” and interested experts, scholars and readers can give their contributions and explain their views on the “Regulations,” especially the “regulations” , Welcome to discuss and propose to revise and improve the opinions so that the health administrative organ can make reference when formulating the hygiene administrative rules and implementing rules. This issue of some of the author’s articles and some of the users point of view, not necessarily representative and authoritative, only played a pioneering role, the editor looking forward to a better article published one after another.
股骨干骨折切开行髓内针固定术引起坐骨神经损伤 ,在法医学检验中较少见 ,现报导 1例。案 例某女 ,2 1岁。 1999年 12月 2 7日乘班车因交通事故受伤 ,致使右大腿肿胀 ,不能
【摘要】一个优秀的设计师,一定是能将受众需求和艺术价值成功的架起桥梁的人,当然这已然是句陈词滥调。换言之,欲念生痒,痒由心起,而设计师正是这挠痒之人。根治痒因,才能使受众需求一舒惬意之气,不至隔靴搔痒。  【关键词】创意教育;心中之想之欲;高雅;通俗;隔靴搔痒  今天在这里,绝不是请大家附庸艺术玄理之风雅,而是浅谈设计欲念之“世俗”,所谓大俗大雅。魏晋时评人,就是以“清”“浊”论人,若被许有“清气