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粉土工程性质不良,粉土填筑路堤的强度和稳定性与不同压实状态下粉土的工程力学性质息息相关。为评价粉土路基强度,针对路基粉土的工程力学特性,对不同初始状态下的压实粉土试样进行了击实试验和CBR(承载比)试验,分析不同初始含水量下的粉土在不同击实次数下击实后的力学性能,探讨击实次数相同时压实粉土CBR值随初始含水量变化的关系以及初始含水量相同时压实粉土CBR值随击实次数的关系。比较了相同初始状态的压实粉土浸水和不浸水CBR强度的差异。研究结果表明,击实次数相同的压实粉土试样不浸水CBR值随初始含水量增大而减小,浸水CBR值随初始含水量变化出现峰值,峰值含水量基本上与该击实次数下的最优含水量一致。初始含水量越低,试样浸水前后的CBR值变化越大,试样接近饱和时,浸水和不浸水CBR值基本没有差异。各初始含水量下的压实粉土试样其CBR值随击实次数变化没有特定的规律性,与初始含水量的大小有关。 The silt works are of poor quality. The strength and stability of silt filled embankments are closely related to the mechanics of silt under different compaction conditions. In order to evaluate the strength of silt subgrade, according to the engineering mechanics characteristics of subgrade, the compaction test and CBR test of compacted silty soil under different initial conditions were carried out. The effects of silt under different initial water contents The mechanical properties at different compaction times were investigated to investigate the relationship between the CBR values ​​of compacted silts and the initial water content when the compaction times were the same and the relationship between the CBR value of compacted silts and the number of compaction times when the initial water content was the same . Comparisons of differences in CBR strength between compacted silt soil and non-flooded soil of the same initial state were made. The results show that the CBR value of compacted silt samples with the same number of compaction times decreases with the increase of initial water content. The CBR value of infiltration has a peak with the change of initial water content, and the peak water content is basically the same as the number of compaction times The optimal water content under the same. The lower the initial water content, the greater the change of CBR value before and after immersion of the sample. When the sample is close to saturation, there is almost no difference in the CBR value of the immersed and not immersed water. The CBR values ​​of compacted silt samples under initial water content have no regularity with the number of compaction times, which is related to the initial water content.
以一座墩高相差较大的装配式桥梁为例,基于Midas Civil程序采用非线性时程分析方法进行E2地震作用下抗震验算。计算结果表明:全部采用板式橡胶支座时E2地震作用下矮墩抗剪能