In order to explore the directionality of wheat stubble configuration, field digitizer was used to quantify the root system of rice stubble. The root system data was imported into Pro-E to reconstruct the spatial state diagram of root system. And the projections of the root system in 18 dimensions and the fractal abundance were calculated.The results showed that the fractal features of root architecture in wheat seedling had a strong regularity in all dimensions, The distribution of root pattern has obvious direction.While the fractal index of root structure in 18 dimensions has a great fluctuation in seedling stage and turning green stage, which indicates that the root growth is in the process of continuous dynamic change during the period.At jointing stage, The fractal in all dimensions showed a certain regularity once again, indicating that the distribution of root system in soil again showed a clear direction.The method can accurately describe and analyze the distribution of plant roots in the field environment.