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11月7日,“中国空调节能的技术方向专家研讨会”在北京召开,来自国家发改委环资司、国家标准化管理委员会、中国家电协会、中国标准化研究院、清华大学、北京工业大学、天津大学、中国家用电器研究院、能源研究所等部门的领导与技术专家出席会议并做精彩演讲,海信、美的、上海日立等空调企业也应邀参加了会议。行业技术专家认为,空调节能已日渐成为刻不容缓的大事,节能问题应该成为国家政策引导的方向以及空调企业倾力发展的方向,而在空调行业多种节能技术的应用中,变频技术无疑是最为有效、最先进、最成熟的技术,将成为节能技术的主流发展方向。当前,能源问题日益成为世界各国最为棘手的问题,许多国家开始对家电产品严格控制其能耗指标。据统计,目前我国家用空调的年耗电量为400亿千瓦·时以上,随着空调的进一步普及,这个数字还将进一步增加,空调已日渐成为能耗大户,在我国许多城市,在夏季用电高峰时期,都出现了由于用电紧张,供电部门被迫实施强制性错峰用电的现象,影响了居民的正常生活和企业的生产经营。粗略计算,如果将空调的平均效率提高10%,就可以每年节省3.7GW的发电量,为国家节约160亿元人民币,如果将我国的空调全部换成变频空调,则空调的平均效率至少提高30%,就可以每年为国家节约480亿元人民币。对于一个有三台空调的普通 November 7, “China’s energy-saving air-conditioning experts in the direction of the seminar ” held in Beijing, from the National Development and Reform Commission Central Division, the National Standardization Management Committee, China Household Electrical Appliances Association, China National Institute of Standardization, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology, Tianjin University, China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, Institute of Energy and other departments of the leaders and technical experts attended the meeting and made wonderful speech, Hisense, the United States, Shanghai Hitachi and other air-conditioning companies were also invited to attend the meeting. Industry experts believe that energy-saving air-conditioning has become an urgent event, energy-saving issues should become the direction of national policy guidance and air-conditioning business efforts to develop the direction of the air conditioning industry in a variety of energy-saving technologies, the frequency conversion technology is undoubtedly the most effective , The most advanced and most mature technology, will become the mainstream of energy-saving technology development. At present, the energy issue is increasingly becoming the most difficult issue in all countries in the world. Many countries have started to strictly control their energy consumption targets for household electrical appliances. According to statistics, at present our annual consumption of household air conditioners is 40 billion kilowatt hours or more. With the further popularization of air conditioners, this figure will be further increased. Air conditioners have become large energy users. In many cities in our country, During the peak period of electricity supply, forced electricity supply departments were forced to implement the phenomenon of forced peak shifting, which affected the normal life of residents and the production and operation of enterprises. Rough calculation, if the average efficiency of air conditioners increased by 10%, you can save 3.7GW per year generating capacity, saving 16 billion yuan for the country, if all of our air conditioners replaced inverter air conditioner, the average efficiency of air conditioners increased by at least 30 %, You can save 48 billion yuan for the country every year. For a general three air conditioners
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