奥运会(Olympic Games)

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  (编 者)
  A Brief History of the Olympic Games
  ·The Ancient Olympic Games·
  According to historical records,the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 B.C.They were dedicated to the Olympian gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia.They continued for nearly 12 centuries,until Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 A.D.that all such “pagan cults”be banned.The ancient Olympic Games included the following events:pentathlon,running,jumping, discus throw,wrestling,boxing,pankration,and equestrian events.
  ·The Modern Olympic Games·
  The Moden Olympic Movement,revived in 1892 by French educator and philosopher Baron Pierre de Coubertin,has been the inspiration for extraordinary sports performances,personal excellence and international goodwill for more than a century and continues to work toward building a better and more peaceful world.Through a1most 200 National and Regional Olympic Committees and more than 50 International Sports Federations,the Olympic Movementpromotes its ideals through sport 365 days a year all over the world.
  In 1894,the International Olympic Committee was founded in Paris as an independent body charted to guide the activities of the Olympic Movement and the organization of the Olympic Games while nurturing and sharing Coubertin's philosophy of peace through sport.Two years later,in Athens,the first Games of the modern era took place,imprinting upon the world's collective memory a concrete expression of the ethics of sport,culture and peace that marked the ancient Olympic Games.Every four years,since 1896,the Olympic Games have brought the countries of the world together in a celebration of the collective human spirit and individual athletic achievement.
  During the 20th Century,the modern Olympic Games witnessed progress,global growth and immense change.Against the backdrop of two world wars,periods of economic adversity and prosperity,the Olympic Games and their ideals have exhibited an enduring appeal to all humanity,creating legends and heroes out of athletes once unknown.The Olympic Games have become a global stage for almost every human emotion:triumph,agony,glory and defeat.It is here where the glory of sport and the spirit of international goodwill come together to create the world's greatest spectacle.
  Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
  ·The Official Mascots·
  Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace-and blessings from China-to children all over the world.
  Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends,Fuwa also embodies the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals-the Fish,the Panda,the Tibetan Antelope,the Swallow-and the Olympic Flame.
  Each figure of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name-a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.Beibei is the Fish,Jingjing is the Panda,Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame,Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together一Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni—they say “Welcome to Beijing”,offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Olympic Games.
  Fuwa also embodies both the landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China.In their origins and their headpieces,you can see the five elements of nature一the sea,forest,fire,earth and sky-all stylisticly rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences ofChinese folk art and ornamentation.
  In the ancient culture of China,there is a grand tradition of spreading blessings through signs and symbols.Each figure of Fuwa symbolizes a different blessing-and will honor this tradition by carrying their blessings to the children of the world.Prosperity,happiness,passion,health and good luck will be spread to every continent as Fuwa carry their invitation to Beijing 2008 to every part of the globe.
  At the heart of their mission-and through all of their work-Fuwa will seek to unite the world in peace and friendship through the Olympic spirit.Dedicated to helping Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World,One Dream to every continent,Fuwa reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in filendship through the Games-and to invite every man,woman and child to take part in the great celebration of human solidarity that China will host in the light of the flame in 2008.
  ·The Official Emblem·
  The official emblem of Beijing 2008 entitled “Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing”cleverly combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features,transforming the elements into a human figure running forward and embracing triumph.The figure resembles the Chinese character“Jing”,which stands for the name of the host city and represents a particularly significant Chinese style.
  The artwork embodies four messages:to convey the unique cultural quality and elegance of Chinese civilization;to express China's blessing of luck and happiness with the favorite red color;to invite friends from all over the world to Beijing;to challenge the extreme and achieve the perfect and promote the Olympic motto of“Citius,Altius,Fortius(Faster,Higher,Stronger)”.
  ·The Olympic Slogan·
  The slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games is“One World One Dream”.
  ·The Paralympic Games·
  The Paralympic Movement started in 1948,when a sports competition was organized for persons with a disability during the London Olympic Games.In 1960,two weeks after the Rome Olympic Games,400 athletes from 23 countries participated in Olympic style games organized for the first time for the disabled in Rome.These were the first Paralympic Games.
  The Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games will be the 13th Paralympics and be held about 10 days after the Beijing Olympic Games is over.
  BOCOG is also the organizing committee for the Beijing Paralympic Games.It will be responsible for the preparations of both the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.The venues for the Olympic Games will be adjusted to meet the needs of the Paralympic sports.The level of support and the services provided to Paralympians would be the same as those provided to Olympians.
东陵侯①既废,过司马季主②而卜焉。  季主曰:“君侯③何卜也?”东陵侯曰:“久卧者思起,久蛰者思启,久懑者思嚏。吾闻之:‘蓄极则泄,极则达,热极则风,壅极则通。一冬一春,靡屈不伸;一起一伏,无往不复。’仆窃有疑,愿受教焉。”  季主曰:“若是,则君侯已喻之矣,又何卜为?”东陵侯曰:“仆未究其奥也,愿先生卒教之。”  季主乃言曰:“呜呼!天道何亲?惟德之亲;鬼神何灵?因人而灵。夫蓍④,枯草也;龟,枯
白居易,唐代诗人,字乐天,号香山居士、醉吟先生,祖籍太原。于唐代宗大历七年(772年)正月二十生于河南新郑县东郭宅,武宗会昌六年(846年)八月卒于洛阳,享年75岁。晚年官至太子少傅,谥号“文”,世称白傅、白文公,是我国文学史上相当重要的诗人。  白居易在他那个时代就是偶像级人物,他的文字的影响力不仅在文化圈子里流传,同时也风靡娱乐界。他的《长恨歌》《琵琶行》等流传之广,即使到今天大概都不比《双截
【说文解字】  春天是播种希望的季节。  春天来了,万木向阳,百花齐放,鸟语花香,彩蝶飞舞,一派生气勃勃的景象。人们用无数优美的词藻来赞美她,颂扬她。春天像美丽成熟的少女,穿着华丽的纱裙翩翩地来到人间。人们常说“一年之计在于春”,于是每个人、每个家庭,乃至每个国家,都在筹划新的一年的计划。    有意思的是汉字的“春”,无论是古字还是今字,都深深隐含人们的期待。现代汉语“春”由两个部件构成,上部跟
【直击考点】  《2007年新课程标准高考大纲》增设了“探究能力”,能力等级为F级。“探究”的内涵要点是“探讨疑点难点,有所发现和创新,是在识记、理解、分析综合的基础上发展了的能力等级”。探究性阅读测试题,重在考核考生探究意识、探究能力、探究品质和探究精神,从2007年高考中的海南、宁夏卷,山东卷,广东卷看,分值一般设在5~8分之间。  命题要求:  一、文学类文本阅读   (1)从不同角度和层面
1.古人书斋取名或明志以自勉,或撷趣以寄情,请你仿照下面的格式,给自己的书房起一个名字,并说明含义。  例:“十驾斋”,喻己为驽马,表现谦虚好学、锲而不舍的精神。  ______________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________  _____
下面的情境,同学们也许常常遇到:每次语文课代表发作文本时,大家的表情可以说是“丰富多彩”。“我的呢——多少分?看看,看看!——哎,真郁闷啊!”“老师,您说我的作文为何总是——在41、42分上下徘徊?”  是呀,这分数,真可谓不高不低,不上不下。其实,38、39分也好,即或是42、43分也罢,确无本质的区别,即,文章流于平庸,位列“基础”等级。“语言是思维的物质外壳”,这平庸背后,其实是作者思维的懒
30多年的沉眠,换来美丽的天使之翼,苦苦的等待,只为了生命的延续。  ——题 记    我是谁?姓甚名谁无从得知,只知从苦难中而生,沉默中逝去。  1976年7月28日,我所在的唐山发生了7.8级的大地震。不幸的我被埋没于废墟之下,与世隔绝。我挣扎,却无法动弹;我大声呼喊,却无人应答。满怀希望的等待,却只等来了死神的光顾。我不甘心,亲人、同学、老师的安危还未知晓,父母的养育之恩还未报答,未来的梦想
又回来了!  两三个月后我再次回到墙角,再次触摸敦实的你,还是冷硬冷硬的,你可曾留下我以外任何人的体温?又看见刺眼的“try my best”,那是某个意气风发的少年刻写上去的,倾倒出自己无限的生命基准,憧憬着,他走了,出发了,迈进了,留下墙。  几个月前,我淡淡地触着你,青涩而激昂地许下诺言,“我仍要飞翔”。望着你的棱角,我变得刚毅。从我第一次靠近你,你注定慢慢变黑,棱也变得柔弱。渐渐地,玻璃门
也曾迷惘过,也曾失落过,生命的乐章里也不乏伤感的音符。  也曾憧憬过,也曾灿烂过,梦的紫竹林里也不尽希望的幼苗。  我们在泥泞的人生路上打着滚,在灿烂的稀泥里艰难地跋涉,不是急待别人的夸奖,只是为了心中的那份执著。我知道我该做些什么,我知道我的生命乐章该演绎些新奇的音符了。我也知道我的那片紫竹林不能这么一直地荒废下去。因为我知道,我是谁。  我是谁?时间不可能将记忆风化。或许我们曾试图将痛苦忘记。
一、关注并列词语或短语  例1.写有“严禁携带危险、易爆、易燃物品上车”字样的横幅悬挂在火车站入口处,提醒人们要有安全防范意识。  句中“危险、易爆、易燃物品”为种属关系,不能同时并列。  例2.她话匣子一打开,就同我大谈特谈最近流行了什么发式,什么项链,什么服饰。  “项链”“服饰”有交叉关系。  例3.由于原始人类处于蒙昧和没有开化的阶段,所以他们在编织美丽的神话时,并没有想到是在进行艺术创作