,Promiscous female Euxesta eluta derive nutrients for ovarian development by expelling and consuming

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitgxd
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Seminal gifts range from important material donations to items that provide little direct benefit to females.Promiscuous,female silk co flies Euxesta eluta expel and consume male ejaculates immediately after mating.The evolution and function of this peculiar behavior are currently unknown.We performed a series of experiments aimed to:determine if females under different dietary regimes derive nutrients or water for survival and/or reproduction from ejaculate consumption,if males suffer a fitness cost from supplying females with ejaculates,and if females prefer to mate and/or are more likely to store sperm from well fed than nutritionally stressed presumably inferior males.Experiments revealed that protein deprived E.eluta females derive nutrients for ovarian development through consumption of ejaculates of protein fed males.No seminal products affecting survival appear to be transferred in the consumed ejaculate.However,ovarian development,in contrast to testes growth,occurs in detriment of longevity.Females preferred to mate with protein fed males,yet sperm retention in spermathecae was extremely rare after a single mating.This finding suggests that females could be exerting post copulatory control.A key question that remained to be addressed for the understanding of this puzzling and promiscuous mating system is what ecological factors or male traits drive females to retain sperm from one or several males in order to achieve and/or maximize fertilization potential.
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