
来源 :地质科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhao19881016
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作者考察了逆冲断层下盘精细的几何形态与逆冲岩席的流变学之间的相互关系.逆冲断层面偏离理想面将导致局部的不均匀变形.变形的结果取决于逆冲岩席的位移速率、引起不均匀流动的几何形态、变形条件和被卷入岩石的岩性.有两类构造在引起逆冲岩席不均匀变形中特别重要.第一类构造是岩层面有小的突起,它们可以是固有的沉积构造,或是在顺层压缩时产生的;第二类构造是逆冲岩席借以向上攀爬的断坡.运动期间,在这些构造面上的位移引起断层上盘重复和周期性的应变.论文对突起上的变形和不同形态断坡上的变形有关的应变速率以及不同的位移速率作了估计,并用以讨论下盘几何形态对逆冲岩席构造演化的影响.在复杂几何形态的断层下盘上,运动后所保存的断层岩的范围和变形显微构造给予特别注意.设想突起在断坡定位上具有重要意 The author examines the correlation between the fine geometry of the thrust plate and the rheology of the thrust mantle. The departure of the thrust plane from the ideal plane will result in local inhomogeneous deformation.The result of the deformation depends on the thrusting The displacement rate of the mat, the geometry causing the uneven flow, the deformation conditions and the lithology involved in the rock.Two types of tectonics are particularly important in causing the inhomogeneous deformation of the thrust mast.First class of structures are small , Which may be inherent depositional structures or produced during bedding compression and the second of which is thrusting the uprock of the rock mat to displace upwards.The displacement on these surfaces during the movement causes faults Plate repeat and periodic strain.The paper estimates the strain rate and the different displacement velocities related to the deformation and the deformation on the different morphological slopes and discusses the evolution of the thrust bedding structure under the plate geometry The special attention is given to the extent and deformation of microscopic tectonics of fault rocks retained after complex geometrical faults on the disk, assuming that they are important
我们受生产单位的委托,对某地区面积近2500km~2,1∶10万的重力测量结果进行了数据处理和初步的地质解释。这项工作的主要目的是: 1.计算该区的沉积厚度;研究沉积基底的内部
超级侦探——识破谎言:澳洲在南半球,气候与北半球相反,凶杀案发生在加拿大北部冬季的圣诞节,这时澳洲应该是夏季才对,不可能堆雪人过白色圣诞节。 Super Detective - to de
剑河,一个贫穷而古老的少数民族聚居小县,坐落在黔东南中部,雷公山东北麓。境内沟壑交错、山峦起伏、盛产松杉。县辖12个乡镇,308个行政村,这里326.4万亩的土 Jianhe, a pov