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农家女助学基金资助的100名学员已经全部走出了校门。她们沐浴着社会各界不同国籍、不同肤色人们的爱意和期望,沐浴着储荟芸和所有关注贫困女童、关注教育的仁人志士的殷殷之情,出发了。这次,她们从梦开始的地方出发,奔向人生的下一目标:理想的彼岸。这些来自贫困地区的辍学女童,做梦也没想到今生还有受教育机会,所以她们非常懂得珍惜,她们很努力,很争气,使这常人眼里的3个月变成了不同寻常的3个月:吸足雨露阳光、掌握谋生本领、渴求发展机遇。来时,她们羞羞答答、见人不敢抬头,谁问一句话她们都要几分钟后才能回答,声音小得连自己都听不见;可在毕业式上,她们都变成了另外一个人:大声地演讲,流畅地朗诵诗歌,还能表演节目!来时,她们自卑怯懦;走时,她们自信、坚强、勇敢!命运,也在这不同寻常的3个月中改变了:她们不再担心谁会把自己随便嫁掉或给兄弟换亲,因为她能自食其力养活自己了;眼中也不再是一村一乡的田间地头,胸中更是有了一个世界。她们就这样奇迹般地重活了一回。爱的种子,一旦发芽长叶,便能茂盛她们的一生,而且受益一代甚至几代人现在,她们怀揣着爱的种子上路了。她门中有的在北京和天津等地找到了工作,有的返回家乡去寻求发展并给更多的姐妹提供机遇;有的在别人的资助下继续读高中,还有的从最基础的家政服务员做起,—步一个脚印地向理想进军……在这里,我们选发了几位学员的作品,请听听她们的故事吧—— 100 trainees funded by the Farmer’s Woman Scholarship Fund have all gone out of school. They bathed with the love and expectation of people of all nationalities and of different skin colors, bathing with Hui Hui Yun and all the devoted people who are concerned about poor girls and who are concerned about education. This time, they set out from where they started their dreams and headed for their next goal in life: the other side of their dreams. These girls who dropped out of school in poor areas never dreamed that they still had educational opportunities in their lifetimes. Therefore, they knew very well how they cherished their efforts and their efforts to turn the three months in this common man’s life into an unusual three months : Suck foot rain sunshine, grasp the ability to make a living, thirst for opportunities for development. When they came, they shyly replied that they could not look up. Who asked for a few words after they could answer in only a few minutes? The voice was so small that they could not even hear it. On graduation, they all turned into another person: They are self-assertive and cowardly when they speak loudly, recite their poetry smoothly and perform shows! They are self-confident, strong and brave, and have changed during this unusual three months: they no longer have to worry about whom Will marry or marry his brother casually, because she can self-help themselves to support themselves; the eyes are no longer a field of land in a village, the chest is even more of a world. They were so miraculously resurrected. The seeds of love, once they grow, will flourish their lives, and benefit generations or even generations now that they are on the road with the seeds of love. Some of her men and women found work in Beijing and Tianjin, some returned to their hometowns to seek development and provide more opportunities for their sisters. Some even continued to pursue high school with the assistance of others, and from the most basic housekeeping Attendants start - step by step toward the ideal ... ... Here, we selected a few students work, please listen to their stories -
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