
来源 :中国法学教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shangdianxitongguanl
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随着我国公民权利意识的逐步增强和医疗机构改革的逐步深入,因医疗损害导致的民事纠纷日益增多,如何解决医患纠纷已成为建设和谐社会绕不开的新课题。处理医患纠纷案件需要法律工作者具有复合型的知识结构,既要精通法律,还要熟知相关的医学知识,在此背景下,医学院校开办法学专业应运而生。滨州医学院自2004年招收第一届本科生,截止到2008年6月份,在校生 With the gradual deepening of the awareness of civil rights in our country and the gradual deepening of the reform of medical institutions, the number of civil disputes caused by medical damage is increasing day by day. How to solve the disputes between doctors and patients has become a new issue that can not be turned around in building a harmonious society. It is necessary for lawyers to have a complex knowledge structure to deal with disputes between doctors and patients. It is necessary to be proficient in laws and familiar with relevant medical knowledge. Against this background, the establishment of law professions in medical colleges and universities has emerged. Binzhou Medical College recruited the first undergraduates in 2004, as of June 2008, students
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关于高中地理怎样改革,我想开门见山地谈几点管见: 一、基础教育中的高中阶段,其培养任务具有二重性,即既培养就业人才又培养升学人才。因此,高中地理与高中其他学科一样,必
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相对原子质量H1 .0 0 8He4 .0 0 3L i6.94 1Be9.0 1 2B1 0 .81C1 2 .0 1N1 4 .0 1O1 6.0 0F1 9.0 0Ne2 0 .1 8Na2 2 .0 9Mg2 4 .3 1Al2 6.98Si2 8.0 9P3 0 .97S3 2 .0 7Cl3 5