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中国唱片广州公司近日宣布:第一个签约中国唱片公司的瑞典歌后索菲娅·格林将于11月12日在中山纪念堂召开中国巡回演唱的首场演唱会。届时,索菲娅将与小朋友以及神秘嘉宾同台献艺,并用英文倾情 Chinese record company Guangzhou announced recently: the first signing of the Chinese record company Sweden Song Sophia Green will be held November 12 in Zhongshan Memorial Hall concert tour of China’s first concert. At that time, Sophia will perform with children and mysterious guests on stage, and use English portrait
Baicalin is a type of flavonoid,which is extracted from dried roots of Scufellarla baicalensis Georgi.Baicalin has been shown to exhibit anti-microbial and anit
Objective:Midge egg masses are reported to support non-pathogenic strains of the cholera pathogen.Vibrio cholera(V.cholera).Mosquito born diseases have been rep
Objective:To evaluate the anti-inflammatory property of leaves of Sansevieria liberica Ger. and Labr.and to ascertain the toxicity and phytochemical profiles of
在祥云躲藏深处 有一方雪域净土 格桑花尽情吐露 龙头琴弹响祝福 哦唐古拉山雅鲁藏布 老阿妈叩首虔诚朝圣的路 跳起欢腾的锅庄舞 点燃髯火一齐欢呼 歌唱幸福生活新蓝图 是谁
采用高效液相色谱法,以益康唑为内标,在YWG-C18柱上使其得到分离,测定栓剂中酮康唑的含量,方法回收率为101.87±1.66%。本法可用于栓剂的质量控制。 High performance liquid chromatography with
[Objective] This study was to investigate the effects of fermentation time on the contents of two main toxic ingredients of fatty oil and total protein in Lingb