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目的研究河南省高校研究生信仰现状的特点及模式,为研究生信仰教育提供依据和参考。方法采用大学生精神信仰问卷对河南省3所综合性高校1023名不同年级和专业研究生整群抽样调查,应用SPSS17.0软件,统计学方法采用重复测量方差分析和多元方差分析。结果①总体状况表现为社会信仰得分最高,其次为实用信仰,超自然信仰最低;9个二级维度得分从高到低依次为民族主义、生命崇拜、国家主义、家庭主义、政治信仰、家族崇拜、宗教信仰、金钱崇拜和神灵崇拜,其差异有显著性;②男生家族崇拜和金钱崇拜的程度高于女生(F=9.167,33.997;P<0.01),而女生的生命崇拜程度高于男生(F=7.634,P<0.01);女生的社会信仰程度高于男生,具体表现为女生民族主义和国家主义的得分高于男生(F=15.851,6.195;P<0.01);③研一的社会信仰显著高于研二,二级维度得分比较显示研一、研三的民族主义显著高于研二,研一的政治信仰显著高于研二;研二、研三的金钱崇拜显著高于研一;④文科生的政治信仰显著高于医学生(F=4.783,P<0.01)。结论研究生精神信仰一级维度中社会信仰占优势,其次为实用信仰,超自然信仰;二级维度排名前三位的是民族主义、生命崇拜和国家主义。研究生精神信仰在性别、年级、专业方面存在显著差异。 Objective To study the characteristics and patterns of the status quo of postgraduates ’faith in colleges and universities in Henan Province, and to provide the basis and reference for the postgraduates’ faith education. Methods A total of 1023 freshmen and majors from 3 comprehensive colleges and universities in Henan Province were enrolled in this study. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software. The statistical methods were repeated measures of variance analysis and multivariate analysis of variance. Results ① The overall condition showed the highest score of social belief, followed by practical belief and the lowest of supernatural belief. The scores of nine second-level dimensions were nationalism, life worship, nationalism, familism, political belief, family worship, Religious belief, money worship and spiritual worship, the difference was significant. ② The degree of family worship and money worship of boys was higher than that of girls (F = 9.167, 33.997; P <0.01), while that of girls was higher than that of boys = 7.634, P <0.01). The social beliefs of girls are higher than that of boys, which is shown as the scores of female nationalism and nationalism are higher than those of boys (F = 15.851, 6.195; P <0.01) The research on the scores of two dimensions and two dimensions showed that the nationalism of the first research group and the third research group were significantly higher than those of the second research group. The political beliefs of the first research group were significantly higher than those of the third research group. The financial worship of the second and third groups was significantly higher than that of the first group. Medical students (F = 4.783, P <0.01). Conclusion The social belief predominates in the first dimension of postgraduate spiritual belief, followed by the practical belief and supernatural belief. The top three in the second dimension are nationalism, life worship and nationalism. There is a significant difference in the gender, grade and specialty of graduate spiritual beliefs.