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  Lithuania higher education :
  high quality, modern and innovative studies, diplomas recognized EU-widely and in China.
  编辑_风火轮 供图_Study in Lithuania 設计_杜亚娜
  立陶宛提供超过300多个用英语教学的专业学位。目前,立陶宛的国际生来自世界150多个国家。在过去的8年里,立陶宛国际学生的数量从2000多人增长到2016年的5000多人。最新研究表明,94%国际学生依旧推荐立陶宛作为留学目的 国。
  此外,立陶宛的高等院校为学生提供很多实习机会,获取专业知识、培养就业能力。学校设有就业中心帮助学生进行职业规划和就业指导。立陶宛当地的公司和跨国企业也热衷于雇佣就业能力强的国际学生。根据立陶宛法律规定,本科生二年级就可以每周工作达20个小时。学生也可参加欧盟实习项目Erasmus 来获取欧盟各国的工作经验。
  Open and friendly Lithuania with its unique culture, which includes both deep respect for traditions and an ambition to innovate, is sparing no effort to pursue international education. Home to one of the fastest-growing economies in the European Union, Lithuania also offers lower living costs than many other European countries.
  At present, there are over 300 degree programmes taught in English offered by Lithuanian higher education institutions. Currently there are international students from more than 150 different countries of the world studying in Lithuania. Over the past 8 years, the number of international students in Lithuania has increased from just over 2,000 to 5,000 in 2016. It is reported from a recent survey, 94% of foreign students would recommend as a study destination.
  The higher education institutions are of two types: universities and colleges (universities of applied sciences). University studies provide a universal academic education, theoretical training and the highest level of professional excellence. College studies oriented towards training for professional activities. Studies are organised in three cycles: bachelor studies (in universities) or professional bachelor studies (in colleges), post-graduate studies and doctoral studies, which are recognized EU-widely and in China.   Higher education is notoriously expensive in most parts of the world. Average tuition fees in higher education institutions depend on the field of study and the study cycle. On average, the cost of studies at higher education institutions is approximately between 1,000 – 5,000 EUR per year for bachelor studies, from 2,000 to 6.500 EUR per year for master studies and from 7,000 to 8,500 EUR per year for doctoral studies. More than three-fourths of international students in Lithuania agree they are getting a bang for their buck– with reasonable tuition fees for the highest quality of studies and generous scholarship schemes for top quality education.
  There are various scholarship opportunities in Lithuania. Scholarships are offered by the state, higher education institutions and International Scholarship Programs. Students of all fields, lecturers and researchers of foreign countries are eligible to apply for Lithuanian state scholarships. Usually (but not in all cases), scholarships cover both tuition-fee for studies/summer courses and living expenses.
  Higher education institutions in Lithuania offer a great opportunity for students to gain hands-on professional knowledge and enhance their employability with educational, scientific or professional traineeship programmes. Most universities in Lithuania have Career centres to help students with career exploration, job and internship search. A lot of Lithuanian and international companies operating in Lithuania are eager to hire students and foreign talent. Students are allowed to work from the second year of bachelor studies up to 20 hours per week in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania. Students can also benefit from the opportunities offered by EU traineeship programme Erasmus to gain international work experience.
  Introduction of universities and colleges:
  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University(VGTU),ranked between the 4% of the best universities in the world by the QS World University Ranking, provides an innovative, responsive and caring learning environment for a diverse range and level of programmes to students from all over the world. VGTU offers 30 English taught programmes in Engineering, Architecture, Business Management and Economics, and Aircraft Piloting for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students. Scientific research and experimental development is performed by 14 institutes, 2 research centres and 33 research laboratories. More than 11000 students with 800 of them international students from 48 countries study at the university. VGTU has an extensive network of partner universities and companies all over the world, which gives students opportunities to choose from wide range of exchange programmes and internship during their studies.   Kaunas University of Technology(KTU)is one of the Lithuania’s leading international research universities and leader in cooperation with business: from the development of study programmes through case analysis to innovations and technology transfer. KTU offers almost 1000 technology development services, participates in more than 125 national projects and more than 75 international projects. Technologies created by KTU students reach beyond the planet: the first Lithuanian satellite, Lit-Sat1, created by KTU students and researchers, was launched into orbit in 2014. Entrepreneurship, hands-on experience, and innovative teaching methods are the keywords of studying at KTU.
  Vilnius University(VU), founded in 1579, is one of the oldest universities in Central and Eastern Europe. It has the oldest (1570) and the newest (2013) libraries in the Baltic’s: the total collection amounts to over 5 million volumes as well as wide range of electronic resources, including national and international databases, e-journals and e-books. Vilnius University has 14 faculties, 3 institutes,5 interdisciplinary research and study centers, 2 university hospitals, an astronomical observatory, a botanical garden and the Church of St. Johns.
中医有多难学?蒙古来华留学生阿尼达有切身体验。  编辑_西早供图_阿尼达设计_杜亚娜  髻年识中文  “我很小的时候就会说中文,因为父亲是中国人。”北京中医药大学国际学院针灸专业的留学生阿尼达来自蒙古,目前在读大四。她讲着一口流利的普通话,没有“外国味道”;没有印象中蒙古人的粗犷,娓娓道来的样子更像是来自江南水乡。虽然自小接触中文,在听说方面没有问题,但是在阿尼达确定要来中国留学以后发现读字和写字
新出炉的《2015年大学专业排行榜》根据9项指标对大学排名,包括:学生满意度、科研水平、入学标准、师生比、用于学术研究的费用、用于学校设施的费用、学生完成其学业的百分比和获得Good Honours学位学生的百分比及毕业前景。  剑桥、牛津、伦敦政经在总排名中遥遥领先,稳居前3。杜伦大学异军突起,成为此次获评大学中的黑马。其商科及管理专业排名升至第6名;同时,法学专业排名跻身前4 ,会计专业也跃居
为了让中国留学家庭对德国大学申请有一个清晰的概念,2015年1月10日下午,《留学》杂志社精英记者团举办了“APS留德审核主题沙龙”。德国资深顾问施新哲老师、姚老师和付老师为参与沙龙的学生和家长详细解答了有关APS审核的诸多问题。  通过APS审核是申请德国院校的前提  德国的福利政策、人文环境、学费优惠等多重因素,吸引了大批留德深造甚至移民德国的中国家庭。然而,面对德国大学对申请人严苛的家庭背景
2017年6月30日微课堂(根据微信语音整理而成)  主题:备考托福的那些事儿  主讲人:Frank(北京乐高国际教育集团ETS官方认证Criterion培训师,托福官方备考产品经理)  sa:什么是托福?  Frank:托福是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”,1964年开考,1965年由ETS承办。其考试经历过三种形式:托福纸考(PP
2018年12月15日,由《留学》杂志社和澳际教育联合举办的“小希合伙人招募会”,在厦门悦华酒店隆重举行。  澳际教育集团副总裁黄俊友、光明日报《留学》杂志CEO李璨、澳际教育厦门大区副总裁金广海、澳洲蒙纳士大学country manager Sally、悉尼科技大学marketing manager Frank出席活动。  澳际教育集团副总裁黄俊友从行业及公司角度介绍了小希留学服务平台如何在这样
《留学》记者通过采访外教和寄宿家庭,给大家整合了一些在与陌生人对话中尽量避免回答的话题:  尽可能不要透露自己的私生活,例如是否有男女朋友、详细的兴趣爱好、生活习惯、个人隐私等。不要透露自己的手机号码或家庭住址,大多数情况初次见面加Facebook好友就到底线了。外国人很喜欢发短信或打电话,透露电话后很容易受到骚扰。而小伙伴们如果在社区中遇到一见面就问家庭住址或寄宿家庭的陌生人,应当立即停止交谈并
同一个大师班,同一位教授,同样的路径和同样的学校,许敏与许苗姐妹两人先后前往比利时蒙斯皇家音乐学院留学,然而最终却上演了不一样的篇章。  在机场,许敏和妹妹许苗再一次回望这片学习和生活过的锦绣土地,往事历历在目,似一帧帧镜头在脑海中回放,那些美好与快乐,痛苦与泪水,如清晨带着露水的鲜花,次第绽放,生动、鲜活。异国他乡的生活和学习,在她们身上画上了浓墨重彩的一笔,这些痕迹并不会随着她们的回国而结束,
国外院校对于诚信要求之严格恐怕是很多国内学生难以想象的,人们对留学生的负面认知多数也是猝不及防的。  我是一名正在美国读书的大二学生。最近在我的朋友圈中,有很多“SAT阅读790”“提分230”等关于美国“高考”SAT,ACT的高分喜报频频传来。看到如此完美的成绩,可能很多人的第一反应是持怀疑态度的,甚至会质疑“这个学生不会是提前找了答案的吧?”中国留学生,已不是一天两天成为社会大众讨论的焦点了,
五千年历史文化灌溉下的文学和历史,是爱尔兰当仁不让的“当家”人文学科,而植根于现代经济基础的创意文化和旅游学科,又为爱尔兰人文教育带来了鲜明的21世纪特色。  1933年2月17日,爱尔兰文学代表人物萧伯纳来到上海,与中国文豪鲁迅等人会面,相谈甚欢。自此,爱尔兰和中国在文学方面结下了不解之缘。这种结谊并非偶然,虽遥距一整个欧亚大陆,但爱尔兰和中国在诸多方面都惊人的相似。  同为拥有五千年历史的文明
随着我国经济的飞速发展,人们生活水准不断提升,追求更深层次的精神世界与思维视界成为了许多人的渴求。因此,试图拓宽眼界,学习国外先进知识,成为了许多学子梦寐以求的目标。留学产业也应运而生,且方兴未艾,如火如荼。  随着时代的发展,选择留学目的国这件事逐渐变得“多元”,人们对世界的认知也更趋理性了。然而,即便如此,口号声也未能淹没红极一时的“美国热”。据《2016年门户开放报告》披露,2015-201