
来源 :中国环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Luke_ibox
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依据2009年5月~2010年1月在连云港附近海域进行的4个航次海洋环境综合调查结果,对该海域的海洋环境因子、营养状态水平、有机污染状况的空间分布、季节间变化及相关性进行了研究,结合历史资料探讨了近年间主要污染因子的变化趋势与海洋环境现状.结果表明:该海区春夏季海洋环境质量状况较好,秋冬季的污染程度有所加强,石油类是秋冬季节主要的污染因子.评价显示春、夏季呈现富营养化和有机污染的状态,且二者季节变化和空间分布有一定共性.相关性分析显示叶绿素a与营养盐和化学耗氧量呈现显著正相关,但与溶解氧呈显著负相关(P<0.01),表明浮游生物生长与环境要素含量之间的关联性.数据显示日益增强的人类活动对近海海洋环境的显著影响,相关结果可为连云港海域的海洋资源开发利用和环境保护提供基础数据支持,同时为海洋管理部门开展以生态系统为基础的海洋资源管理提供科学依据. Based on the comprehensive survey of marine environment of 4 voyages carried out in the sea area near Lianyungang from May 2009 to January 2010, the changes of marine environmental factors, the state of nutritional status, the spatial distribution of organic pollution, the inter-season variation and its correlation The author studied the change trend of the main pollution factors and the status quo of the marine environment in recent years with the historical data.The results show that the marine environment quality in spring and summer in this area is good and the pollution degree in autumn and winter is strengthened, The main pollution factor.The evaluation shows the state of eutrophication and organic pollution in spring and summer, and the seasonal and spatial distribution of the two have some common.Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between chlorophyll a and nutrients and chemical oxygen demand , But negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen (P <0.01), indicating the correlation between plankton growth and environmental elements.The data show that the increasing human activities have a significant impact on the offshore marine environment, and the related results may be Lianyungang sea area Provide basic data support for the development and utilization of marine resources and environmental protection, The system provides a scientific basis for the management of marine resources base.
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